Succeeding as a Software Engineer in Austria

6. April 2023 ScholarsAlumni
Read Natyra Ferati's story on her professional and personal journey in Austria as a Software Engineer, which has led her from the University of Klagenfurt to a job with Dynatrace.

My scholarship period with the University of Klagenfurt Technology scholarship and master studies have been a remarkable experience that has shaped my personal and professional development in ways I could have never imagined. My motivation behind pursuing a Master's degree in Informatics with a specialization in Software Engineering came from my desire to use technology for positive impact and to dig deeper into how technology could be utilized to tackle some of the world's most pressing issues, particularly those that affect people's lives. The low representation of women in IT has further increased my drive to excel in this field.

The Master's degree program in Informatics at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU) aimed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and expertise to create computer-based solutions for various problems. A variety of theoretical and practical courses were offered, including topics related to emerging technology branches, such as Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems, and Data Engineering. Studies provided me with a strong foundation for a successful career in the software development industry. My academic journey allowed me to advance my knowledge in Informatics, gain valuable research experience, and enhance my problem-solving skills. I am grateful for the exceptional education and resources available.

During my master studies, I engaged in several outstanding activities that prepared me for the software development industry. One of these activities was working as a Frontend Developer at iLogs company in Klagenfurt as part of the curriculum. The Technology Scholarship staff assisted me in finding this internship. The hands-on work experience allowed me to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios and develop a deeper understanding of software engineering concepts and methodologies. Another outstanding activity was working on my master thesis topic at Dynatrace, a global technology company. The thesis aimed to automate the design handoff in software development by creating a prototype that uses a generalized model to transform design pages from design tools to source code for different frontend frameworks. I received constructive feedback and guidance from my university supervisor Assoc. Prof. Julius Köpke, Univ. Prof. Martin Pinzger and my company supervisors, Dr. techn. Bernhard Dieber and Tiemo Hunger. The whole experience provided me with the skills and knowledge that I will carry throughout my life. Today, I continue to work as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace and I am eager about the opportunities that lie ahead in my career.

Besides my professional development, Austria and the Technology scholarship also impacted my personal development. Living and studying in Austria was an incredible experience that exposed me to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives. One of the most important things I learned in Austria is the value of building relationships and working cooperatively with people from different backgrounds. The events organized by OeAD and the University of Klagenfurt have greatly contributed to this aspect of my development. These events allowed me to meet and engage with students from different countries, which helped me to learn more about diversity. In addition, I had the opportunity to improve my German language skills by taking a German language course, which was made possible by the scholarship.

Studying at the University of Klagenfurt as a Technology scholar has been a pleasure, and I want to express my gratitude to all who made this milestone the best experience in my life. I am deeply grateful to the OeAD and AAU Technology Grants staff for their assistance and support during my studies. Furthermore, I sincerely appreciate my family, supervisors, friends, and colleagues for their constant support. I am forever thankful to my parents, Idriz and Drita, for providing me with an exemplary model to follow. To future scholarship holders, I encourage you to take full advantage of the resources available, including academic and intercultural opportunities. Studying in a foreign country offers an opportunity to break out of your comfort zone, explore new cultures, and gain a new life perspective.


Natyra Ferati is an Albanian born in North Macedonia and raised in Kosovo. She completed her undergraduate studies in her home country at the University of Pristina and received an ERASMUS+ scholarship to study as an exchange student at NTNU in Norway. She received her master degree in Informatics from the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. With a focus on software engineering, Natyra's master studies have allowed her to combine theoretical knowledge gained at the university with practical skills acquired through her work experiences. Throughout her studies, Natyra has emphasized the significance of collaboration in achieving successful outcomes. The University of Klagenfurt in collaboration with the OeAD offer the so called Technology Scholarships for English-speaking Master's programmes in the field of ICT. That scholarship was a game-changer in her life, allowing her to gain valuable technical skills and cultural experiences without the added burden of financial concerns. This scholarship opened up new possibilities for Natyra and ultimately led her to her current role as a Software Engineer at Dynatrace in Austria.