Ruiwen Chen, Hong Kong

- Current position: Lecturer of Charles Sturt University - Ming Hua Theological College
- Home institution: Charles Sturt University
- City of home institution: Hong Kong
- Scholarship: Ernst Mach Grant, Nachbetreuungsstipendium/EZA
- Duration: 02.2023 – 04.2023
- OeAD-Map: Ruiwen CHEN |
1. Curriculum Vitae
Ruiwen Chen is a Lecturer at the Ming Hua Theological College at Charles Sturt University in Hong Kong. She spent one month in Austria to research Chinese local society and Christian music at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien.
2. Reflection
I am very happy to do a research on Chinese local society and Christian music in the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. I am grateful to everything that I have encountered in Institut für Musiksoziologie, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.The deep musical and cultural heritage, the rich musical life of Vienna, the beauty of nature and the simplicity and gentleness of its folklore have also constructed this research. Many inspirations were born from the sound of music in the Wiener Musikverein, from walks in the Vienna woods, and from interactions with Vienna people who weaved with me by chance. MDW and Vienna have played the very important roles in the realization of my academic dream and I am full of emotions for this university and city.