Muhammad Bilal Bin Majeed, Pakistan

Muhammad Bilal Bin Majeed © Arun Sudhagar
  • Current position: Assistant Professor of Genetics at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Scholarship: HEC Overseas Scholarship
  • Duration: 11/2014 – 10/2018
  • Motto: Collaboration is vital for science and society.

Curriculum vitae

In his home country Pakistan Muhammad Bilal Bin Majeed works as an assistant professor of Genetics at one of the oldest institutions of Veterinary Sciences in Asia, the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences in Lahore. Supported by a HEC Overseas Scholarship Muhammad spent four years in Austria and carried out research for his PhD studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. He graduated with distinction in 2018 and returned to Pakistan, where he currently supervises PhD students in the field of molecular genetics and genomics. His own research work focusses on gene editing, especially using the CRISPR/CAS system. This novel technology is used to precisely modify genes, for example in order to repair the DNA in damaged cells.

At the moment Muhammad Bilal Bin Majeed is responsible for establishing a laboratory, which is specialized to work with this technology. In close cooperation with his former institution in Austria he is furthermore in the process to start a joint project, that is designed to facilitate student exchange between his institution in Pakistan and the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna.


Studying in Austria for my PhD showed me new perspectives and I now look differently at scientific problems. During my time in Vienna I started to understand difficult issues in my field of research and I figured out some possible solutions. Due to the fruitful exchange with my colleagues I began to firmly believe that scientific collaborations are vital for progress in science and for the uplift of society. The experiences made during my scholarship were really life changing for me. They fuelled my scientific improvement as well as my personal growth and development. I think it is very important that scholarship holders, after finishing their studies abroad, fulfil their moral, ethical or legal agreements to go back to their home country and serve society. It is very essential not only for them but for society and future scholars as well.