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Implementation and Reporting

All projects are required to submit a mid-term report and a final report. Detailed reporting guidelines and templates for the scientific mid-term report, the scientific final report and the financial mid-term and final reports can be found in the download area on the right and in the relevant sections below.

Exact reporting dates are specified in the grant agreement. In general, the following reporting obligations apply:

Projects with a duration of 36 months:

  • Scientific mid-term report: covering project months 1-18, to be submitted at the end of project month 20
  • Mid-term financial report: covering project months 1-18, to be submitted at the end of project month 20
  • Scientific final report: covering project months 1-36, to be submitted 2 months after project end
  • Final financial report: covering project months 19-36, to be submitted 2 months after project end

Projects with a duration of 24 months:

  • Scientific mid-term report: covering project months 1-12, to be submitted at the end of project month 14
  • Mid-term financial report: covering project months 1-12, to be submitted at the end of project month 14
  • Scientific final report: covering project months 1-24, to be submitted 2 months after project end
  • Final financial report: covering project months 12-24, to be submitted 2 months after project end

Projects with a duration of 12 months:

  • Scientific mid-term report: covering project months 1-6, to be submitted at the end of project month 8
  • Scientific final report: covering project months 1-12, to be submitted 2 months after project end
  • Final financial report: covering project months 1-12, to be submitted 2 months after project end

A mid-term report is NOT required for projects with a duration of 1 year.

As a report on the project progress, it provides an overview of completed activities, achievements and envisaged results during the first reporting period of 2- and 3-year projects.

The mid-term report (word file AND pdf) has to include the following parts (ca. 3-5 pages):

  • Project Overview
  • Narrative Summary of the Project Activities
  • Complete List of Funded Mobilities
  • Achievements and Envisaged Results
  • Contribution to the SDGs, Implementation of Gender and Diversity Issues
  • Reflection on Partnership and Cooperation
  • Changes In Project Environment, Challenges and Mitigating Measures


Together with the scientific mid-term report, a financial mid-term report must be submitted.

The final scientific report has to be more detailed than the mid-term report and provides an of the entire project. A summary is published on the KoEF website.

The final report (word file AND pdf) shall include but not be limited to the following parts:

  • Project Overview
  • Short Narrative Summary of the Conducted Project (to be published on the website)
  • Report on Project Activities and Results
  • Complete List of Funded Mobilities of the Entire Project
  • Sustainability and Application of Results
  • Contribution to the SDGs, Implementation of Gender and Diversity Issues
  • Reflection on Cooperation and Envisaged Follow-up Activities and Projects
  • Response to Challenges and Difficulties and Unexpected Outcomes
  • Publications and Pictures


In addition to the final scientific report, a final financial report must be submitted

Together with each scientific report, a financial report has to be submitted. The project relevant expenses of all partner institutions are submitted in one report by the project coordinator. Only travel, accommodation and subsistence costs as well as project-relevant equipment and material expenses will be financed.

The financial report, submitted as an Excel file following the provided template for KoEF financial reporting, must cover the entire reporting period. It should include a tabular list of expenses with correspondingly numbered original invoices/receipts, each listed separately.


Only actual expenses submitted with the financial reports and verified and approved by OeAD are subject to funding. Copies of invoices/receipts are accepted only if integrated into an Austrian university's accounting system (SAP), with confirmation from the university.

Expenses must be supported by invoices/receipts containing specific details such as issuer's name and address, date of issue, itemized purchase/service, currency, amount, and payment confirmation. Foreign currency invoices/receipts must be converted to EUR with valid exchange rate confirmation. Non-English (or German) invoices/receipts require a working translation.

Overhead costs are NOT eligible for KoEF funding.

The following requirements apply to all modes of mobility:

  • Each mobility must utilize the most economical means of transportation
  • Travel expenses within Austria are not eligible for funding
  • All funded mobilities require thorough documentation in scientific reports
  • If any invoice/receipt is not in English (or German), a working translation must be provided additionally
  • Foreign currency invoices and receipts must be converted to EUR


For detailed information on financial reporting and eligible expenses please also refer to our Addendum to the Funding Framework and Eligible Costs as well as to our Guidelines for Financial Reporting. 

Travel to Austria from a partner country of the Global South (Incoming)

The following travel and subsistence costs for KoEF project members travelling to Austria can be refunded: 

Travel costs: max. EUR 1,500 per trip, reimbursement of face value:

  • Flight (only economy class tickets): original invoice/receipt, proof of payment, plane ticket and original boarding passes are needed.
  • Travel costs to and from the airport (in Austria public transport must be used): original invoices/receipts and proof of payment are needed.
  • Visa costs: original invoice/receipt and proof of payment is needed.
  • Travel insurance: proof of insurance, the original invoice/receipt and proof of payment is needed.


Accommodation and subsistence expenses, lump sums depending on qualification of project member and duration of stay:

PhD/doctoral students:

  • stays of up to 12 days: EUR 100 / day
  • stays of 13 days or more: EUR 1,250 / month 


Scientists (post-doc): 

  • stays of up to 14 days: EUR 100 / day
  • stays of 15 days or more: EUR 1,400 / month


A confirmation of receipt is required. 

Travel from Austria to a country of the Global South (Outgoing) and travel within or between partner countries in the Global South (Field research)

The following travel and subsistence costs for KoEF project members travelling from Austria to a partner country of the Global South and KoEF project members travelling within or between partner countries of the Global South can be refunded. 

Travel costs: max. EUR 1,500 per trip, reimbursement of face value:

  • Flight (only economy class tickets): original invoice/receipt, proof of payment, plane ticket and original boarding passes are needed.
  • Travel costs to and from the airport (in Austria public transport must be used): original invoices/receipts and proof of payment are needed.
  • Public transport (only economy class tickets): original invoice/receipt and proof of payment are needed.
  • Car (in partner country): original invoices/receipts, proof of payment and a completed vehicle logbook are needed.
  • Visa costs: original invoice/receipt and proof of payment are needed.
  • Travel insurance: proof of insurance, original invoice/receipt and proof of payment are needed.
  • Travel vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis: original invoices/receipts and proof of payment are needed.


Accommodation and subsistence expenses, lump sums depending on qualification of project member and duration of stay:

PhD/doctoral students:

  • stays of up to 12 days: EUR 100 / day
  • stays of 13 days or more: EUR 1,250 / month 


Scientists (post-doc): 

  • stays of up to 14 days: EUR 100 / day
  • stays of 15 days or more: EUR 1,400 / month


A confirmation of receipt is required. 

Equipment and material (consumables)

It is assumed that the project partners are already adequately equipped with the basic tools to undertake the envisaged work, therefore, no general infrastructure can be financed. If additional equipment is required for e.g. laboratory or field stations, then it must be project specific and remain with the partners in the respective partner country in the Global South. Full justification must be provided for its purchase and usage during the project period and beyond.

Equipment & material (consumables) specifically relevant for the project can be covered up to a maximum amount of EUR 3,000 for the entire project duration.

  • Original invoices/receipts and proof of payment must be submitted. 
  • A confirmation is needed: justification of the need of the equipment, confirmation that the equipment is project specific and that it remains with the partner institutions in the respective countries in the Global South.
  • For procurement of items over 1,000.00 EUR (net value) two offers have to be obtained and documented in the financial report.
  • not eligbile: e.g. laptops, telephone or internet costs, catering for workshop participants, honorarium for participants. 

All publications resulting from KoEF funded projects have to acknowledge KoEF funding provided by the BMBWF and have to include the KoEF logo as well as the OeAD logo (if applicable). Use the following phrase:

“This project/publication was supported by KoEF, financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and implemented by OeAD”

Different guidelines apply to projects in the 1st and 2nd calls, which are processed in the 'old' payment mode.

The specific regulations can be found in this document:

Guidelines for reporting (1st and 2nd Call)


The following templates are relevant for the reimbursement of costs

Confirmation of Receipt Accommodation and Subsistence Expenses

Reimbursement Travel Costs

Reimbursement Material Costs


The following templates should be used for scientific (mid-term and final) reporting:

Scientific mid-term report template

Scientific final report template


OeAD | Cooperation Development Research (KoEF)
Ebendorferstraße 7
1010 Vienna




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