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Scholarship applications – embedded in an ongoing APPEAR partnership


APPEAR provides the possibility of integrating one APPEAR scholarship for PhD or master’s studies into the project. The scholarships for a degree at an Austrian higher education institution are financed in addition to the project funding (from component 2 of the APPEAR programme). At least 70% of the scholarships should be awarded to master’s and PhD students who are embedded in an ongoing APPEAR partnership.

The objective is that students and professionals from APPEAR partnership institutions in the eligible countries conduct their PhD or master’s studies within the partnership project and contribute to the sustainability of the cooperation.

Applicants with a citizenship different from the priority countries (according to the guidelines) but affiliated to an associate partner institution of ongoing APPEAR partnership are eligible for a scholarship as well. In exceptional cases PhD applicants who are not working in one of the partnership institutions can be nominated if the proposed PhD research is of major importance for the project success.

APPEAR aims to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. According to our programme guidelines 50% of the scholarships have to be awarded to female candidates. In some areas women might still be underrepresented. Therefore, partner institutions are requested to specifically look for female applicants during the selection process, to encourage women to apply and in case of equal qualification to nominate a female candidate.

Submission of applications

A complete application has to be submitted via e-mail to appear@oead.at. All documents have to be in German or English. Detailed requirements and application forms can be found below.

Selection process

Scholarships that are embedded in an APPEAR project will not be assessed by the Selection Board as the thematic relevance of the project - and thus the embedded scholarship - has previously been confirmed through acceptance of the project’s application.

The home institution confirms that the individual need for academic education serves the specific demands of the institution, and the development needs of the home country. The APPEAR project coordinator confirms that the master’s / PhD studies take place within the APPEAR project and describes how the study project will contribute to the implementation of the partnership.

Furthermore, the project coordinator is asked to describe the selection process, to explain which measures have been implemented in order to find suitable female candidates and to state how the decision was finally taken. In case no woman has been nominated the reasons have to be presented.

The APPEAR Office checks the formal requirements of the scholarship application and the selection board is informed of the decision. In case PhD applicants who are not working in one of the partnership institutions are nominated for a scholarship the Selection Board takes the decision.

The APPEAR Office requires a minimum of two weeks to process the scholarship application. Applicants are granted a scholarship on condition that they receive the admission into a doctoral / PhD programme or master programme at an Austrian university.

Admission at an Austrian university

Only after a scholarship is awarded, the original and legalised study documents have to be submitted to the admission office. Depending on the respective university the submission is done online, or the original documents have to be sent via email. For the university specific requirements check out the website of the respective university or university of applied science. The APPEAR Office will support scholarship holders throughout the process.

Applicants with international certificates must have their documents translated into German or English by an officially registered, certified translator.

If an academic degree from a country other than the home country is issued, legalisation from the country in which the degree has been earned is needed. Any additional costs for translation and legalisation have to be covered by the applicants themselves.

General information on legalisation of documents can be found here.

APPEAR scholarship holders are exempted from paying fees for the legalisation of documents at the Austrian embassy as well as from paying tuition fees. The submission of an OeAD letter confirming the scholarship is required. This letter is issued by the APPEAR Office and sent directly to scholarship holders.

Requirements – master students

  • Age limit: not older than 30 years (women not older than 35)
  • Master’s application form:
    • The applicant has to demonstrate the relation to the thematic focus of APPEAR.
  • Signed letter by the applicant:
    • The applicant confirms his / her intention to return to the home country after the completion of the studies and to pursue an appropriate, development-related assignment
  • Form ‘Nomination by the home institution’:
    • Confirming that the individual need for academic education serves the specific demands of the institution and the development needs of the country of origin (e.g. within the management plan of the higher education institution) and that the applicant is employed by the institution
  • Confirmation by the master’s programme management:
    • Confirming that the applicant fulfils the study requirements
  • Form 'Confirmation of the APPEAR project coordinator':
    • Confirming that the master’s studies take place within an existing APPEAR project and describing how the study project will contribute to the implementation of the project
  • Evidence of previous studies (scan):
    • Bachelor degree plus listing of subjects and grades
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of language skills (English or German)
  • Photocopy of the passport / ID


Embedded master scholarship application

Embedded scholarship confirmation coordinator

Embedded scholarship nomination institution

Requirements – PhD students

  • Age limit: not older than 35 years (women not older than 40)
  • PhD application form:
    • Including the PhD proposal – short description, contents, objectives, methodology, time schedule (stating the tentative time for field studies in the home country), estimated costs of field studies and the relation to the thematic focus of APPEAR
  • Signed letter by the applicant:
    • The applicant confirms his / her intention to return to the home country after the completion of the studies and to pursue an appropriate, development-related assignment
  • Form 'Confirmation of the APPEAR partnership coordinator':
    • Confirming that the PhD takes place within the APPEAR project and describing how the study project will contribute to the implementation of the partnership
  • Form ‘Nomination by the home institution’:
    • Confirming that the individual need for academic education serves the specific demands of the institution and the development needs of the home country (e.g. within the development plan of the higher education institution), that the applicant is employed and will be reemployed by the institution and that the institution will support the applicant (by cash or in-kind contribution)
  • Signed letter by the Austrian scientific supervisor:
    • Confirming the scientific quality of the proposal and the qualification of the applicant to successfully pursue the PhD studies; and that he/she is willing to supervise the applicant.
  • Evidence of previous studies (copies):
    • Bachelor and master’s degree plus listing of subjects and grades
    • Abstract of the master’s thesis
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proof of language skills (English or German)
  • Photocopy of the passport / ID


Embedded PhD scholarship application

Embedded scholarship confirmation coordinator

Embedded scholarship nomination institution

Financed costs

Monthly scholarship instalment:

  • Master’s studies: 1,000 euros per month (up to 24 months)
  • PhD studies: 1,100 euros per month (up to 48 months)

Travel costs:

  • Travel costs for coming to Austria, going on field studies in the home country and for returning home after completion of the studies are financed.
  • If there is no Austrian embassy in the applicant's home country, the flight costs for the submission of the visa application at the competent Austrian representative authority will be covered as well.

Additional grants:

  • German courses 400 euros paid as a lump sum, upon submission of the certificate of the language course
  • Participation in scientific conferences / courses
    max. 500 euros for max. 2 conferences / courses in Europe or 1,000 euros for max. 1 conference / course outside Europe paid as a lump sum for the registration fee, travel costs and accommodation, upon submission of the confirmation of participation of the organisers.
  • Thesis allowance 300 euros paid as a lump sum upon submission of graduation documents (notice of graduation, certificate of the final examination and diploma supplement)

APPEAR scholarship holders are usually exempted from paying tuition fees at Austrian higher education institutions.

Scholarship documents

Once the APPEAR Office has received the admission letter from the university, the scholarship documents will be issued (Letter of Award, Scholarship Details, including the Letter of Acceptance and Scholarship Conditions). These documents are needed to apply for a visa/residence permit.

Read more about the APPEAR scholarship in this section. General information for OeAD scholarship holders can be found here.

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