Completed preparatory fundings
The titles of all completed Preparatory Fundings can be found below.
- Capacity Building for Migration Health Training, Research and Policy Analysis in the East African Community and the European Union particularly Austria
- Advancement of local producible and deployable solar technology for use in small scale water applications for agriculture in Kenya
- Feasibility study for joint Water‐Sanitation Master Programme | WatSan Master
- Strengthening remote sensing data processing and interpretation capacities for operational use in agricultural system monitoring
- Capacity building for minimizing human induced impacts on water resources in Nepal and Bhutan | CAMIWA
- Strengthening Higher Education Capacities in Palestine for Gender Equalities | SHE_GE
- Educational Empowerment of Deaf Students | EduDeaf
- Urban Poverty in Ethiopia: Asset Based Community Development as a Strategy for Empowering the Urban Poor and Reducing Poverty | ABCD
- Community based forest ecosystem management for improving the provision of water, energy and livelihood in the mountain region of Nepal
- Social Research on Old Age Vulnerability in Ethiopia
- Cooperation in Regional Transdisciplinary Research on Sustainable Tourism Development in the Caucasus
- Engage Communities in a Change to Sustainable Agriculture (ChangeLab)
- Competence Network for e-Inclusion and Assistive Technology
- Integrating Issues of Protected Area’s Management into Academic Programmes for Urban Planning of EiABC at Addis Ababa University
- Capacity Development in Poultry Technology, Production and Health towards Improvement of Livelihoods in Eastern Africa
- Sustainable Productivity Enhancement and Management of Local Animal Genetic Resources – Small East African Zebu and Tyrolean Grey Cattle Breeding Strategy
- Rural Disadvantage in Armenia and Moldova: Perspectives for Place Identity Based Territorial Planning and Modelling through Policy Informing Research (PIRP)
- Carbon Offset - Strategies, Monitoring and Adaptive Management in Nepal
- Integration of Social Science in Poverty Eradication Research among Pastoralists by Scientific Researchers (ISPERAPS) 2015-2018
- Academic Collaboration for (Building) Capacity in Environmental Studies (ACCES)
- Local cattle breeds of Burkina Faso – characterisation and sustainable utilization
- A Colonial Giant without a Head: Applying Complex Systems to Sustainable Tourism in Granada, Nicaragua
- Development of a stakeholder driven, regionally embedded and interdisciplinary Master´s Curriculum in Agro-Ecology and Natural Resource Management in the Rwenzori-Region
- Sustainable Highland Rivers Management in Ethiopia (SHRME)
- Empowering forestry training institutions in Kenya to address challenges affecting forestry and involve communities in sustainable forest management – FORSUS
- Socio-economic and Ecological Assessment for Water Resources Management in Kenya (SEAK-WARM)
- A Mozambique Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Capacity Building Initiative
- Digital Preservation Education and Training Program in Gaza
- Strengthening regional capacity in research and training in fisheries and aquaculture for improved food security and livelihoods in Eastern Africa
- Integrating issues of protected area’s management into academic programmes of EiABC at Addis Ababa University
- Implementation and Enhancement of Academic Land Administration Education and Training in Ethiopia
- Strengthening of local Research Capacities at the Bluefields Indian and Caribbean University, Nicaragua to confront the effects of Climate Change
- A Multilevel Approach to address Diversity in Nepalese Educational System
- Promotion of Energy-Efficient Buildings Towards Developing Sustainable Environment in the Gaza-Stripe Palestine
- Gendered Conflicts: Impact on Women in the Horn of Africa
- Building Inclusive Urban COMmunities (BInUCOM): Assessing urban communities and identifying options for improvements in energy efficiency, natural resource management, sanitation and gender equality
- Bridging the Gap between Higher Education and Local Challenges through Partnership (BRIDGE): In Search for Sustainable Pathways to Rural Transition in Ethiopia
- Survey Methods for African Development. Bridging Research, Teaching and Social Practice (SMAD)
- Peace Studies Linkage Project
- Waste Rubber Conversion (WaRuCo)
- Strengthening Higher Education and Research Capacity for Development in Africa
- Academic partnership in integrated urban development technologies - an interdisciplinary approach for the sustainable development of informal settlements in Managua/Nicaragua
- Improvement of social work education to foster social development and poverty reduction. An academic exchange of theory, methodology and practice
- In vitro toxicological testing of Palestinian drinking water
- Capacity Building for Rural Development in Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Capacity Building in Engineering Risk Mitigation
- Medical Anthropology and International Health: Master Program and Research
- Taxation and developing countries - Defining strategies to create a well-grounded basis for education, teaching and research activities in the field of taxation in Ethiopia
- Understanding Climate Resilience of Natural Resource Dependent Communities in Nepal (CRNRC)
- University of San Carlos de Guatemala San Carlos - Paris Lodron University Salzburg meeting for Scientific Collaboration - SSUSC
- Strengthening Institutional Capacities through Academic Partnerships in Higher Education, Research and Management / Rural Tourism and Sustainable Product Development through Integrated Research and Higher Education
- Preparation for academic and scientific partnership between University of Graz, Austria, the Ethiopian Civil Service Colllege, Ethiopia, and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Conflict, Participation, and Development in Palestine
- Design of the Master’s Degree Programme: “Local Development in Central America”
- Local/Regional Development between Global Change and Sustainability: Exchange of Concepts and Practical Experiences - Transfer to Academic Teaching and Local Management
- Research joint programme in Aquatic Lake Ecology AQUALOGY
- Management of Water and Fish Resources in Burkina Faso
- MSc "Management of Protected Areas" - Joint Degree Austria/Nepal
- Assessment of human and institutional capacity for geospatial analysis of climate change impacts in Africa and Europe (ClimeNET)
- Preparation of the Intended Proposal “Promotion of Professional Social Work Towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa”
- Gender Responsive Budgeting/Gender Mainstreaming: Research and research dissemination & strengthening of gender responsive management capacities
- Hydraulic Engineering Training in Palestine (HET-PAL)
- InforCidade: Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Bewertung der informellen Wohnungsproduktion - am Beispiel eines Gebietes in der Stadt Praia (Kap Verde)
- Water quality assessment for semi-arid environments of Ethiopia for development of sustainable water resource management strategies