Elma Hot, Montenegro

- Employment: Co-founder of BeeAnd.me
- Scholarship: Scholarship of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria
- Duration: 09.2017–12.2017
- Motto: Knowledge is power. Always learn.
Curriculum Vitae
I got my bachelor degree in 2014 in Electrical Engineering from the University of Montenegro, Podgorica. After my bachelor degree, I completed my specialized studies. During my studies, I was a member of several student organizations: I was a chairwoman of EESTEC LC Podgorica (Electrical Engineering Students' Association). During my mandate, I organized a lot of events, seminars, competitions and workshops for students all over Europe in Kotor. I attended a lot of workshops for students of electrical engineering in Europe.
During 2017, I was working as a young researcher at the Center of Excellence of Montenegro BIO-ICT. It was really valuable for me to get some knowledge from other universities during my master studies. So I decided to apply for one of the OeAD scholarships. I had an opportunity to listen to interesting subjects like Business Intelligence, Self-Organizing Systems, Machine Learning and Data-oriented Programming Paradigms. It is important to say that I successfully connect my passion about science and the startup concept. That's why I am a co-founder of BeeAnd.me, a startup which is making beekeeping smarter providing technology.
My stay at TU Wien was really important to me. It had a huge impact on my education. I had the opportunity to see a different system of master studies and also to meet amazing people, students from different countries. I found a motivation to continue my education with a PhD and to continue doing research in this field.