Dana Linkeschová, Czech Republic

- Employment: University teacher
- Scholarship: Teacher mobility within the CEEPUS Programme
- Duration: Annual one month visit between 2007/08 – 2017/18
- Personal philosophy: "Always ask yourself: What would love do now?" and "I am doing my very best!"
Curriculum Vitae
Dana Linkeschová is a senior lecturer at Brno University of Technology - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Structural Economics and Management, teaching management oriented subjects She has nearly 10 years of teaching experience at the medical faculty Brno. In 2007 Dana Linkeschová joined the CEEPUS program coordinated by the dean of the faculty. She led several courses, originally at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Construction Process Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vienna University of Technology. In this occasion, she was helping and supervising doctoral internships in the frame of Erasmus. Since 2009, a long-term cooperation was established with the Institut für Managementwissenschaften, Arbeitswissenschaft Bereich und Organization TU Wien within the selection of courses in the field of social and managerial competencies, soft skills, leadership & communication and teamwork. She gives regular courses at the mentioned institute (lectures, exercises, written test and oral exam) in March. Lessons are held in English and they are designed for students from all faculties of TU Wien. It is annually visited by more than thirty (in 2011 it was 48, in 2016 already 71) Austrian and foreign students. In 2017, the number was reduced to 41 participants. Dana Linkeschová has furthermore gained experiences as an expert of the European Commission as well as as a scout leader and firewalker.
During my stay in Austria, I particularly appreciated the great cooperation with the school and support by departments, very kind and helpful colleagues. I gained lots of inspiration from the more than 300 graduates of my courses in the last nine years. To give an example: I was honoured to meet my former students from Mozambique and Syria with an excellent feedback on last year’s course. During my stay in Austria, I loved the numerous interesting meetings and the different excursions organised by the OeAD. My favourite places in Vienna are the Wiener Staatsoper, Hundertwasserhaus, parks, gardens, galleries and generally the whole cultural life in Vienna. I’m glad to use in my teaching work in some parts of our project team work during the courses. Also, I can share my Vienna experiences with students and colleagues from other countries.