Ivana Krsmanovic, Serbia

- Employment: Professor of applied studies at the Technical College Čačak, Public Professional Higher Education institution, Čačak, Serbia
- Scholarship: CEEPUS teacher mobility
- Duration: 05.10 - 11.10.2017
- Motto: Creativity changes the world
Curriculum Vitae
Ivana Krsmanovic is a professor of applied studies and teaches general English and English for Special Purposes at the Mechanical Engineering Department and Electrical Engineering Department at TCC. At her home HE institution she teaches several courses: English Language 1, English language 2, Business English 1, Business English 2, Technical English (undergraduate and graduate level). She has been teaching for more than 15 years now at the Technical College Cacak. Ivana Krsmanovic is highly interested in experiencing teaching methods of other teachers at technical universities and institutions and gaining valuable insight into their methodology and teaching results. She has earned her PhD in 2016 (supervisor PhD Zoran Paunovic, full professor). She is her College’s Coordinator for International Cooperation and PR and she is the author and co-author of 27 scientific and professional papers in English language and literature, as well as author of 6 textbooks and books. Ivana Krsmanovic is an official proof-reader for English of the journal ‘Technical engineering and practice’ (since 2010). She has done proof-reading for more than 100 books in English and Serbian, and as many as 150 translations of articles, papers, book chapters. She trained to prepare candidates for exams in English based on the Common European Framework (2005). Furthermore, Ivana Krsmanovic is founder and editor-in-chief of a student magazine called ‘Indexpress’. She is engaged on writing and editing of all official publications of Technical College Čačak.
My teaching mobility was realized at Campus 02 in Graz. It helped me build my teaching expertise and initiated further professional development. Personal and professional benefits of the grant were manifold. Apart from the teaching itself, I experienced the Austrian PHE in practice through attending lectures of my Austrian colleagues. The mobility helped me shape my teaching style. It provided an opportunity for conducting a research on computer-assisted language learning (written feedback assignment) with host institution students which would finally be published as a paper in an ESP or ESL journal. The grant allowed me to make connections with host institution teachers and collaborate with them on a many aspects of English learning and teaching processes.