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Reporting Academic | Advanced Academic | Extended Impact Partnership

Reporting mode

Academic Partnership, Advanced Academic Partnership and Extended Impact Partnership projects have to submit the following reports:

  • Half-year reports
  • Annual reports
  • Final report including final project year and overall project period

All reports have to be submitted in hardcopy and electronically. The exact dates of reporting are stipulated in the grant contract.

Half-year report(s)

Project partnerships are required to submit narrative half-year reports not later than one month upon completion of the respective reporting period.

The aim of the half year report is to summarize the project progress and the achieved outputs, to report the implemented measures to integrate gender perspectives, to describe difficulties and deviations and how you did respond to them.

Annual report(s)

Not later than 2 months upon completion of the respective reporting period, the submission of an annual report is necessary.

The annual report consists of 1) a narrative report Iand 2) a financial report.

Narrative report

The content of the narrative report (template of narrative report) has to provide sufficient information about the project performance and achieved outcomes to enable a review of the results in line with project objectives and planning with special regard to expected results and the respective criteria and indicators. It incudes the Project Framework Matrix and list of quantitative outputs as Annexes)

Additionally, to the feedback of the APPEAR Office, one external assessment will be provided. 3-year projects will receive an external assessment of the first annual report and 4-year projects and external assessment of the second annual report.

Financial report

The project coordinator is responsible to compile the report(s). One financial report that presents the entire expenses of all involved institutions has to be submitted.

The Guidelines for the Budget and Financial Report for Academic, Advanced Academic and Extended Impact Partnership are mandatory.

The financial report consists of the following documents:

  • External audit report(s) for all participating institutions (more information see audit report - information below)
  • Confirmation of the financial report
  • The financial statement, which comprises the summary of expenses (of all institutions) as well as a detailed cost breakdown of each institution individually (in excel). Please use this template or adapt your budget sheet accordingly.

Final report

No later than 2 months upon the completion of the project, the coordinating institution shall provide 1) a final narrative report and 2) a final financial report covering the implementation of the project.

Final narrative report

The aim of the final narrative report is to provide a comprehensive account of the implementation of the project. Therefore, an assessment of the quality of the cooperation, the project's contribution to development, the implementation of gender related efforts, as well as difficulties and deviations should be addressed. The dissemination of the results and the sustainability of the project outcomes should also be included in the narrative report. 2 contributions for the APPEAR publications are required, which have to be illustrated in the final narrative report.

Overall, sufficient information should be given about the project performance and achieved outcomes to enable a review of the results in line with project objectives and planning, with special regard to expected results and the respective criteria and indicators.

Final financial report

The project coordinator is responsible to compile the report(s). One financial report that presents the entire expenses of all involved institutions has to be submitted.

The Guidelines for the Budget and Financial Report for Academic, Advanced Academic and Extended Impact Partnership are mandatory.

The financial report consists of the following documents:

  • External audit report(s) for all participating institutions (see audit report - information below)
  • Confirmation of the financial report
  • Financial statement, which comprises a summary of expenses (of all institutions) as well as the detailed cost breakdown of each institution individually (in excel). Please use this template or adapt your budget sheet accordingly.

Audit report(s) - information

APPEAR III requires all partner institutions, including Austrian institutions, to provide audit reports as part of the financial reporting.

For the external audit report it is mandatory to consider

The external audit report must consist of:

For more information on project implementation, such as budget reallocation, work verification, regulations regarding travel and subsistence, carbon offsetting, dissemination or visibility and logos, see this section.

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