Constantine S. L. Loum, Uganda

- Employment: Senior Lecturer at Gulu University, Faculty of Medicine
- Scholarship: North-South Dialogue Scholarship; the Austrian Exchange Service, ADC.
- Duration: 10/2007 – 12/2010
- Philosophy of life: Be persistent; determination and patience are the key to life success.
Curriculum Vitae
Constantine S. L. Loum is currently working as a Senior Lecturer at Gulu University, Faculty of Medicine, department of Public/Mental Health. His most important task is to train undergraduate and graduate students as well as the promotion of research activities within the faculty and university at large. Other important activities include leading a research team at the faculty to undertake grant writing as well as promoting the academic discourse such as organising seminars and conferences.
Since the completion of his research project in 2010, the first benefit of the cooperation between his home institution and the host institution in Austria was winning the APPEAR Grant to establish a master programme in Medical Anthropology at my institution of Gulu University; it has already become a well-established programme. They are currently attempting to apply for another grant to work on a new need in his local environment – the refugee crisis from South Sudan.
He has established a strong network with the Medical University and the University of Vienna in general; which can allow for a fast collaboration on new projects. Constantine S. L. Loum was a visiting lecturer at the FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Bad Gleichenberg, department of Dietetics/Nutrition and Occupational Therapy between 2008 and 2009.
He is a strong member of the Austrian-Uganda Friendship Association; thanks to this association he also got a grant for a local project supporting former child soldiers in northern Uganda from the Organisation RETTET DAS KIND OSTERREICH; Visa Austria also supported these adolescents with scholastic and sports equipment and kits in Gulu and Amuru districts in northern Uganda. Moreover, he is supporting the Austrian-Uganda Friendship Association by holding meetings and planning other joint activities.
The education in Austria strengthened my interpersonal relationship with people of different backgrounds and it also set the premise for my career as an upcoming researcher and a university lecturer; it improved professional networking too. The programmes organised by the OeAD office for the scholars to meet the local people and to visit historical sites for appreciation of growth and development were intercultural experiences that were of great importance to me. The trips and visits were particularly exciting. The study in Austria was a life changing experience; it gave me satisfaction in life as it offered me the opportunity to achieve a long cherished career; it was an emotional thing for me! Now I have great confidence to pursue my professional work; it was the scholarship which did that for me! One of my key ideas was to become a big mentor to young people; I now offer mentorship to young students to gain postgraduate training. I have successfully supported two grant writings including one with APPEAR. Finally, I continue to enhance research and academic networking between my local university and other Austrian institutions.