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APPEAR funds well-designed collaborative and innovative projects, responding to the identified needs and demands in the addressed countries and the participating institutions in particular. The participatory approach of APPEAR means that project proposals should be planned and worked out jointly by the proposing partners of the main cooperating institutions.

Current projects

A detailed description of all current projects including updates with regard to their recent activities such as publications, conference participations, events, etc. can be found in current projects.

Completed projects

A detailed list of completed academic partnership projects can be found in completed projects

Completed Preparatory Funding

The objective of the Preparatory Funding is to provide the opportunity to elaborate a realistic and effective project proposal, based on the demands and needs of the institution(s) in the addressed country(ies).

The main focus of Preparatory Funding lies in the support of institutions with not yet established links to each other. In this initial phase the future partner institutions assess each other’s respective institutional and social environments (management structures, objectives, activities, methodologies, etc.) and jointly design the project proposal.

All completed Preparatory Fundings can be found in completed Preparatory Fundings.

Facts and Figures

Here you find facts and figures on the number of (completed) projects and statistics on (successful) applications

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