Alumni - Former scholarship holders

Students and researchers from all over the world who studied, carried out research or worked in Austria with a scholarship managed by the OeAD are the target group of OeAD's alumni activities. Many former scholarship holders still have fond memories of their stay in Austria many years later and act as multipliers, contact persons and cooperation partners.
It is of special concern to OeAD to stay in touch with alumni after the end of their scholarship period and/or their return to their home countries, to inform them about current calls for application and support them in networking and the development of scientific cooperation between Austria and their relevant countries of origin.
Currently OeAD offers the following services for its alumni: for scholars & alumni
The newsletter appears four times a year and provides information about calls for application for scholarships, interesting activities and events.
Alumni Portraits
In the alumni portraits former OeAD scholarship holders introduce themselves and their research projects. They contemplate their research stays in Austria and write about their impressions and ambitions, their experiences and the challenges they faced.
Alumni AudioLab
The Alumni AudioLab is a monthly podcast series in which alumni of the OeAD talk about themselves and their research.
Alumni Talks
Within the framework of the Alumni Talks former OeAD scholarship holders present and talk about their personal and professional experiences during and after their scholarship-supported stay in Austria.
Moreover, former scholarship holders can stay in touch with OeAD via Facebook.