Albert Soudré, Burkina Faso

- Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Life and Earth Sciences, Norbert Zongo University of Koudougou, Burkina Faso
- Scholarship: North-South-Dialogue Scholarship Programme – financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation
- Duration: 09/2006 – 04/2011
- Motto: The value of a person is assessed by the happiness she or he does to others in their life.
Curriculum Vitae
Albert Soudré holds a PhD on animal breeding and genetics from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna (BOKU). Currently he works as a Associate Professor in genetics, animal biology and physiology and reproduction at the Department of Life and Earth Sciences, Norbert Zongo University of Koudougou, Burkina Faso. His research focusses on local animal breeds and the genetic improvement of the livestock. Albert Soudré is involved in several research and development initiatives in his country. Furthermore he is the national coordinator of the APPEAR project Local cattle breeds of Burkina Faso – characterization and sustainable utilization in cooperation with two Austrian institutions the BOKU and the Veterinary Medicine University of Vienna and the Norbert Zongo University of Koudougou, the Institut de l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles and the Nazi Boni University of Bobo-Dioulasso in Burkina Faso. He is also a visiting lecturer at the University of Ouagadougou, the National School of Livestock and Animal Health. In addition Albert Soudré is an associate researcher at INERA in Ouagadougou.
Studying in Austria offered me opportunities for scientific collaboration and exchange with international partners. This reinforced my scientific culture and the rigor that goes with it. My stay in Vienna allowed me to learn about other cultures, to cultivate modesty, but also to not to underestimate myself. More than once, I thought I would not able to succeed because of my weak level in English and especially my own prejudices. But the results have been positive for most attempts. Since then, I have been convinced that we must always have the courage to try and be ambitious and persistent. My study is Austria improved my approach to teaching, my relationships with students, trainees and collaborators. Indeed, I worked in a very good team led by Prof. Johann Sölkner, BOKU and my PhD studies were co-supervised by Dr. Simone Müller, Veterinary Medicine University of Vienna. They really helped me in simplicity and scientific rigor. The colleagues from both universities were very friendly. I was really part of a team and not just in a group. Collaboration with Austrian partners continues more than 7 years after the end of my studies in Vienna. The fruits of my stay in Austria continue to ripen and my entire country continues to harvest them.
"Merci à APPEAR (et OeAD) et aux universités autrichiennes"