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Programme and project evaluations

APPEAR II mid-term evaluation 2019

The evaluation focused on the second phase of the programme (APPEAR II) and aimed to provide recommendations and lessons learned for a possible third phase.

The evaluation found that APPEAR II was highly relevant and aligned with international and Austrian frameworks for scientific cooperation in development. It effectively improved teaching and research capacities and promoted cooperation between participating institutions. However, there were areas for improvement, such as harmonizing different programmes, connecting inexperienced universities with potential partners, and enhancing the monitoring system.

The report provided seven recommendations, including continuing the programme while strengthening its added values, adding new instruments to improve organizational capacities and research uptake, bridging the gap between scholarships and programme objectives, developing a results-oriented monitoring system, improving public relations, revising the Gender Strategy to address obstacles faced by women, and creating synergies with other programmes.

Overall, the evaluation recognized the significance and importance of the APPEAR II programme, particularly in terms of its partnerships, its attention to the rights and needs of people with disabilities, and its open access requirement.

Find here the mid-term evaluation of APPEAR II that was finalised in September 2019

APPEAR project evaluation 2018

The first evaluation on project level was conducted in 2018.

The evaluation focused on three claims: (i) adherence to programme guidelines and principles, (ii) results-oriented approach, and (iii) relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of the projects. The evaluation used a theory-based approach and a multi-method approach, including interviews, surveys, observations and document review. The findings indicate that the majority of projects followed the principles of the programme, achieved outputs and outcomes, and were considered relevant by project team members and stakeholders. However, there were weaknesses in the conceptualisation and formulation of indicators. The evaluation also highlighted the importance of participatory funding, project-based grants, effective collaboration, budget allocation and dissemination of results. Sustainability of results and gender mainstreaming were identified as areas for improvement. Recommendations were made for ongoing projects, emphasising stakeholder involvement, knowledge dissemination and student engagement.

Executive Summary of APPEAR project evaluation (in German)

Final Report of APPEAR project evaluation (in English)

APPEAR mid-term evaluation 2013

This mid-term evaluation highlighted the programme's achievements in moving from broad-based scholarships to a well-structured international cooperation programme with clear development objectives.

Furthermore, the report recognises the programme's success in fostering cooperation between Austrian institutions and their partners in developing countries, resulting in significant capacity building and knowledge exchange. It acknowledges the positive impact of APPEAR projects in addressing critical development challenges such as poverty reduction, sustainable agriculture and climate change. It also makes recommendations for improving programme effectiveness, governance and management, programme structure, selection procedures and communication strategies.

Read the mid-term evaluation of the programme, completed in 2013.

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