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Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and 
Research for Development

The overall objective of APPEAR is to strengthen the scientific foundation and institutional capacities in higher education, research and management in the partner countries through academic partnerships with Austrian higher education institutions and master’s and PhD scholarships. Furthermore, APPEAR aims at increasing the commitment to international cooperation and development at Austrian higher education institutions.

APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) with the aim to realise its strategy for support of higher education and research for development on an academic institutional level.


Der Alternativtext wird in Kürze eingefügt
© Pamela Burger

Current Projects

A detailed description of all current projects including updates with regard to their recent activities such as publications, conference participations, events, etc.

Der Alternativtext wird in Kürze eingefügt
© Stefanie Lemke


This section covers all the necessary information and guidelines for reporting of Academic, Advanced Academic and Extended Impact Partnerships.

Map of the world
© OeAD


The appear.map is a visualization tool that shows projects, scholars and alumni affiliated with APPEAR.


Facts and Figures

Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
Scholars completed their MA/PhD studies


OeAD | APPEAR | Ebendorferstraße 7 | 1010 Vienna | Email: appear@oead.at


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