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Welcome Day for new scholarship holders 2016
© Elke Stinnig Welcome Day for new scholarship holders 2016

Scholarship holders

The scholarship component of APPEAR aims to promote students and professionals employed at a higher education institution in the eligible countries, to complete a master’s or PhD programme at an Austrian higher education institution. The studies are expected to be in line with the thematic focus of the programme and also within the context of regional and national development strategies of the respective countries thereby contributing to poverty reduction. The relevance of capacity development for the home institution has to be clearly outlined in the application and confirmed by the respective human resources manager.

The studies enable the scholarship holders to contribute to the improvement of higher education and research in their home countries and institutions. They are involved in academic partnerships and / or will contribute to further establishment of academic partnerships.

Further information on the scholarship component can be found at general information.

Information for scholarship holders

All the information concerning the application for the extension of the scholarship, field studies, additional grants etc. can be found on information for scholarship holders.

Activities and scientific achievements

This section provides an overview of non-academic activities as well as scientific achievements of current APPEAR scholarship holder and alumni.


Former scholarship holders, so called alumni, have excellent knowledge of potential areas for cooperation between their home higher education institutions and those in Austria. They act as cultural intermediators, are multipliers of information, knowledge and ideas, and they initiate and/or build up future cooperation projects in science and research. Therefore and beyond the scholarship OeAD tries to facilitate networking and further scientific cooperation and to increase the visibility of the former scholarship holders through the alumni map.

More information can be found at alumni.

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