Meet the neighbours during Covid-19 times

18. Mai 2020 Europäischer Hochschulraum
Flyer für die Veranstaltung Meet the Neighbours
A European Commission initiative of cultural breaking-out for youth from Europe, Africa and the Mediterranean bringing the European Film Festival online and freely accessible - #9May2020

As the current Covid-19 crisis is keeping the majority of the world’s students out of school and universities and confined into their homes – the European Union encourages youth from both Member States and partner countries to find creative ways to keep cultivating their inner self. For that reason, the initiative "Meet the Neighbours of the Neighbours during COVID-19 time" will open a digital window to enable students and youth from Africa, the Mediterranean and Europe to have free access - through the streaming platform – to a selection of high-quality films about the respective cultures, providing for a mutual understanding and build solid basis to strengthen fertile inter-cultural dialogue.

The proposed initiative was launched on 9 May and will last 27 days, until 4 June. The access to the streaming platform will be free of charge, providing for a secured on-demand access to around 40 feature films, changing the offer each week with a different films.

Around 20 European feature films will be accessible in Africa and the Mediterranean, and another 20 African and Mediterranean feature films will be accessible in Europe and the Balkans. Audience will be able to watch the selected films on a first-come first-served basis for up to 1000 users for each film.

To the streaming platform for European audience

To the streaming platform for audience from Africa and Mediterranean