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© FH Burgenland

Bachelor's degree in sustainable business at UAS Burgenland

The Bachelor's degree programme in International Sustainable Business at University of Applied Sciences Burgenland is entering its second round in autumn. Now is the chance to apply for a place on this unique, international and visionary degree programme.
2 min lesen · 24. Mai 2024

30 students from 15 countries have been studying in Austria's first Bachelor's degree programme in sustainable business since autumn. In addition to business administration content with a global focus, the curriculum includes a sustainability skills bundle that turns the students into highly sought-after specialists for companies. Now, towards the end of the first year of study, course director Josefine Kuhlmann is more convinced of this than ever: "The challenges that arise from globalisation, climate change and the associated changes in conditions for companies require business economists who can rethink and implement processes in companies."

Bachelor's degree programme in English

The English-language, three-year Bachelor's degree programme focuses strongly on personal development in addition to business administration courses. "We train young people who want to make a difference, drive developments forward and serve as multipliers in their environment," says Kuhlmann.

Current students are on average 25 years old and come from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. They are united by a great thirst for knowledge, enthusiasm and a shared desire to make a difference.

Facts about the degree programme

Bachelor's degree programme - International business studies with a focus on sustainability - 6 semesters - career-oriented with at least one day off during the week - Academic degree "Bachelor of Arts in Business" - Study location Campus Eisenstadt - Admission: Matura, university entrance qualification or vocational maturity examination, preparatory course with additional qualification examination. Graduates will find possible careers in management consultancy, sustainability marketing and project management. The language of instruction is English. There are no tuition fees.

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