Study Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication

16. Februar 2023 HochschuleStudium
Außenansicht Hauptgebäude
The UAS FHWien der WKO offers three part-time study programs that are completely taught in English.

Did you know that the FHWien der WKW, Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication, offers three part-time study programs that are completely taught in English? 

Whilst the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication covers all relevant disciplines of communication (public relations, advertising, marketing, event communication etc.), the Master’s program in Executive Management equips graduates with the necessary skills to manage companies and exploit their growth potential internationally. In the Master’s program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management students discover the potential for sustainable urban tourism and shape the future of international city destinations.

There’s also a new English-language continuing education program in International Sustainability Communication which is unique in Austria and combines international communication and sustainability.

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