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Anfang Juni ist die vierte Ausgabe des "Journal of Science Communication" erschienen.
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24. Juni 2022
Die vierte Ausgabe des "Journal of Science Communication" des Jahres 2022 behandelt das Thema "Responsible science communication across the globe".
Folgende elf Open-Access-Artikel wurden veröffentlicht:
- Inclusion, reflection and co-creation: responsible science communication across the globe
- The ‘Engagement Incubator’: using design to stimulate reflexivity about public engagement with science
- Towards the reflective science communication practitioner
- Levelling the playing field: lessons from sport on re-framing science engagement as a benefit to the individual
- Roles, incentives, training and audiences for science communication: perspectives from female science communicators
- A methodological approach to co-design citizen science communication strategies directed to quadruple-helix stakeholders
- Responsible science communication in Africa: rethinking drivers of policy, Afrocentricity and public engagement
- Commentary: rethinking iteratively (from Australia)
- Responsible science communication in Latin America: reflections on challenges
- Developing open, reflexive and socially responsible science communication research and practice
- Beyond the needs of science — can opennes and reflexivitiy push the polish science communication further?