Diversity in Austrian Theatre: Austrian Theatre Day on the 6th April at the Ben Gurion University!

17. März 2022 ScholarsHochschule
Flyer mit Veranstaltungsinfos und Foto einer Künstlerin

The new semester starts, and the BGU - Center for Austrian & German Studies (Beer Sheva, Israel) is back with a very special and exciting event that we look forward to for a while!

In two weeks OeAD lecturer Ramona Pohn invited theatre maker and migration expert Asli Kislal and performance artist Sheri Avraham to the BGU for a lecture and a performance.

  • What is diversity in contemporary theatre in a Central European country such as Austria?
  • How can the developments in neorealistic theatre offer applications for culturally diverse Israel?

Those and more questions will be (artistically) asked in the event that happens in cooperation with the Austrian Cultural Forum Tel Aviv, the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, the Tel Aviv University and Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation.