University of Klagenfurt Technology scholar Marija Gojkovic awarded for outstanding thesis

25. Jänner 2024 ScholarsAlumni
The academic story of Marija Gojkovic, which resulted in her award-winning Master's Thesis 'Implementation and Analysis of the Artificial Bee Colony Swarm Algorithm'

“Per aspera ad astra” - a Latin phrase that means “through hardships to the stars”. This motto, which also happens to be the motto of the University of Klagenfurt where I completed my master’s program, resonates deeply with me. It’s almost as if fate had a hand in it, don’t you think?

Marija, what was your experience of studying in Austria like?
My academic adventure in Austria began under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The university’s doors opened physically only in my second year. Yet, the virtual classrooms fostered a sense of unity and collaboration among fellow students. As I explored Carinthia in my second year, the stunning landscapes further deepened my affection for Austria.

What did you particularly like about your studies/university?
The university was a melting pot of diverse cultures and backgrounds, all united by a shared academic pursuit. This created a stimulating environment where we constantly challenged and inspired each other to strive for excellence.

What fun activities did you partake in?
In addition to personally organized activities like hiking and sightseeing around Carinthia, I participated in events organized by the IEEE student branch of the University of Klagenfurt. These ranged from casual gatherings like “Barbeque and Games” to events for technology and science enthusiasts like "Pub Quiz". These activities provided a platform to connect with more students and create fun memories.

What made your stay unforgettable to you?
The entire experience, with its initial hurdles and subsequent triumphs, left a lasting impression on me. The transformation from a series of challenges to a blossoming adventure filled with new friendships, opportunities, and cherished memories made my stay truly unforgettable.

What useful tips could you give to others?
It’s important to remember that challenges are a part of the journey. They can be tough, but they also offer growth opportunities. And while success often requires hard work and persistence, it’s also about learning, adapting, and growing along the way.

What benefits did being an OeAD Alumni bring to you, and how did it help you throughout your stay?
The OeAD scholarship was a crucial element in my academic pursuit. Their financial support and internship opportunities were of incredible support to my integration efforts. Their thoughtful gestures, like the welcome food package during my isolation period, made me feel welcomed and less alone during the lockdown.

Can you tell us a little bit more about your research/thesis?
I am currently a full-time employee at Lakeside Labs GmbH, where my research focuses on swarm intelligence, particularly its applications in drone systems and industrial processes. During the past project, we developed swarm algorithms to aid the production scheduling of a semiconductor factory. This project culminated in my Master’s Thesis, “Implementation and Analysis of the Artificial Bee Colony Swarm Algorithm”, which was honored with the State of Carinthia Digitalization Scholarship.