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Review: QUATRA – PLA on Learning Outcomes

Ein Gruppenbild in einem großen Konferenzraum.
© Fabian Orner

The Peer Learning activity “How are learning outcomes perceived, transmitted, and implemented in daily practice of higher education institutions?” in Vienna was devoted to learning outcomes, which is one of the transparency tools of the Bologna Process that reach far into the lecture halls. During the peer learning activity ideas and best practices were exchanged on several issues. These included:

  • Designing Learning Outcomes – policy, process and practice
  • Who designs learning outcomes (at module / study programme level), and how?
  • Breaking LOs down to teaching practice – how to introduce HE faculty to LO
  • Hands-on examples of writing (intended) learning outcomes
  • Cases in selected countries

The PLA on Learning Outcomes was specifically targeted towards members of the BFUG Thematic Peer Group A on Qualifications Framework and welcomed 52 persons from 20 countries including Austria, Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Belgium – Flanders, Belgium/Poland, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Netherlands, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Sweden, UK – Scotland.

On April 26th, 2023 the meeting of TPG A on qualifications framework with working group meetings on micro-credentials, self-certification, and short cycles took place with the involved persons.

Declan Kennedy's book on learning outcomes:

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