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© Josef Baernthaler Curriculum development team

APPEAR celebrates its 10th anniversary

The cooperation program has been in existence for 10 years to improve the living conditions in partner countries through capacity building in higher education.
1 min lesen · 14. Jänner 2021

An essential aspect of the program by the Austrian Development Cooperation, which is implemented by the OeAD, is that it is not about one-sided transfer of knowledge, but about equal partnership. Since 2010, 43 partnerships have been established between Austrian universities or technical colleges and scientific institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Arab region. 126 foreign master's or PhD students were able to study in Austria thanks to an APPEAR scholarship. To mark the anniversary, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) reports on APPEAR's track record in its current edition of its "Weltnachrichten" (in German only).

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