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Fisherman fishing with net from behind
© Andreas Melcher Fishing with nets in Burkina Faso

Gone fishin' - Video on SUSFISH-plus project

A video by master student Jaime Caballer Revenga illustrates the approach that the international student team under the supervision of project leader Andreas Melcher, BOKU Vienna, Idrissa Kaboré, Mano Komandan and Jaqueline Sow took.
1 min lesen · 10. Dezember 2018

Landlocked arid Burkina Faso disposes of a large network of water reservoirs. They serve to improve access to water for humans and animals, but also for irrigating agricultural land. In addition, fish in these reservoirs are an important source of protein for human consumption. In this context, the appear-funded project SUSFISH-plus seeks to establish knowledge on how reservoir functions, management and ecological as well as socio-economic factors are linked.

The findings serve to develop capacities and inform policy, both at local and national level, in order to improve food and nutrition security. In early 2018, the potential for aquaculture was evaluated in four regions. To this end, fresh water reservoirs were characterized, and stakeholders ranging from authorities to fisherfolk and the industrial sector were interviewed.

Link to video

  Link to project website

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