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Programmes from A to Z


The Austrian-African Research Network  Africa-UniNet was initiated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and launched by Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD-GmbH) and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Its objective is to create a long-term, stable basis for cooperation between Austrian and African universities and research institutions. Africa-UniNet intends to promote new contacts, deepen scientific cooperation and provide excellent opportunities for innovative joint research projects. Africa-UniNet is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

As stated in the network’s statutes, Africa-UniNet has the following main goals and tasks:

  • Promoting cooperation between academic institutions
  • Initiating research projects and research & education projects based on common interests
  • Establishing a solid communication structure between Austrian and African higher education institutions and scientific institutions
  • Creating a platform for long-term science discourses
  • Establishing contacts with governmental and non-governmental organisations
  • Providing expertise on the higher education and research landscape in Austria and Africa
  • Raising donations and third-party funds
  • Other cooperation, such as in the area of further education

Aktion Austria-Slovakia (Incoming)

The Aktion Austria-Slovakia supports scientific exchange between Austria and Slovakia and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Country of origin: Slovakia

Duration: 3 days to 6 months, depending on the target group

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH and SAIA, n.o. on behalf of and financed by the Aktion Austria-Slovakia

Closing date for applications: short-term scholarships any time; others: 2 closing dates per year

Further Information

Aktion Austria-Slovakia (Outgoing)

The Aktion Austria-Slovakia supports scientific exchange between Austria and Slovakia and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Target country: Slovakia

Duration: 3 days to 6 months, depending on the target group

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH and SAIA, n.o. on behalf of and financed by the Aktion Austria-Slovakia

Closing date for applications: short-term scholarships any time; others: 2 closing dates per year

Further Information

Aktion Austria-Czech Republic (Incoming)

The Aktion Austria-Czech Republic supports scientific exchange between Austria and the Czech Republic and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Country of origin: Czech Republic

Duration: 1 to 5 months, depending on the target group

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH and AKTION on behalf of and financed by the Aktion Austria-Czech Republic

Closing date for applications: up to 3 closing dates per year, depending on the programme

Further information

Aktion Austria-Czech Republic (Outgoing)

The Aktion Austria-Czech Republic supports scientific exchange between Austria and the Czech Republic and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researches

Target country: Czech Republic

Duration: 1 to 5 months, depending on the target group

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH and AKTION on behalf of and financed by the Aktion Austria-Czech Republic

Closing date for applications: up to 3 closing dates per year, depending on the programme

Further information

Aktion Austria-Hungary (Incoming)

The Aktion Austria-Hungary supports scientific exchange between Austria and Hungary and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Country of origin: Hungary

Duration: 3 days to 4 months, depending on the target group 3 days to 4 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Stiftung Aktion Austria-Hungary

Closing date for applications: short-term grants ongoing, per Aktion and project up to 4 closing dates per year

Further information

Aktion Austria-Hungary (Outgoing)

The Aktion Austria-Hungary supports scientific exchange between Austria and Hungary and the learning of the neighbouring country’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding are intended to increase bilateral cooperation with the aim of developing sustainable relationships.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Target country: Hungary

Duration: 3 days to 9 months, depending on the target group; extention is possible in certain cases

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Stiftung Aktion Austria-Hungary

Closing date for applications: short-term grants ongoing, per scholarship programme up to 4 closing dates per year

Further information


The higher education cooperation programme APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ODC). Its aim is to implement the strategy “Higher Education and Scientific Cooperation” in the priority countries and priority regions in the South and in the three priority countries in the Black Sea area and the Southern Caucasus.

Two types of scholarships are available:

  • Master’s and PhD scholarships that are bound to an APPEAR project
  • PhD scholarships that are awarded on an individual basis and thus not bound to an APPEAR project

ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET)

The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) supports exchange of knowledge between partner universities in Europe and South East Asia. The network's main activity is the organisation and financial support of transcontinental exchange of (prospective) scientists and the transfer of knowledge associated with it.

Target group: Scientists (usually Postdocs) and PhD students at ASEA-UNINET member universities in Austria, in the ASEA-UNINET partner countires and in Pakistan

Countries of origin: Austria, ASEAN ASEA-UNINET partner countries, Pakistan

Target country: Austria, ASEAN ASEA-UNINET partner countries, Pakistan

Duration: Projects: up to 24 months; Length per mobility: a few days to 3 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing dates for applications: 1 closing date per year (spring)

Further information

Internship for teaching German as a foreign language abroad

Only students who are studying German as a foreign and second language at an Austrian university can apply for this internship.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates

Target countries: Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Cuba, Morocco, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Nicaragua, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Duration: 3 to 5 months

Closing date for applications: January 31st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further Information

Educational Cooperation with Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (Pre-University)

Educational cooperation promotes exchange and cooperation between educational institutions in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Austria in order to support sustainable educational reforms on the pre-university level. Around 20 projects are implemented every year through five project offices in Chisinau (Republic of Moldova), Odesa (Ukraine), St. Petersburg (Russia), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia) and Tirana (Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia). Cooperation priorities include increasing the labour market relevance of vocational education and training systems, promoting equal opportunities in education systems, quality development and good governance as well as the exchange of experience on the implementation of new teaching and learning opportunities to promote the acquisition of key skills.

Further information


CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is a multilateral exchange programme with Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Students and lecturers can apply for a financially supported stay abroad in one of the 16 CEEPUS member countries. Both short stays (excursions lasting at least three days) and longer stays (up to ten months) can be supported.

Please note that students can only study at a partner university abroad via a CEEPUS network in which the relevant higher education institution takes part. You can find the networks in which Austrian higher education institutions take part on the CEEPUS website. Outside the networks freemover stays at a freely chosen university in one of the CEEPUS countries are possible in some cases (the university, however, must be eligible to take part in CEEPUS).

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Researchers

Countries of origin: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia

Duration: 1 to 10 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: 15 June (for the whole academic year and for the winter term) | 31 October (for the summer term) | 30 November (for freemovers)

Further information

College of Europe - Allowance from the Federal Chancellery

To offer Austrian students the possibility to get a postgraduate European education and to increase the number of Austrians working in European institutions the Federal Chancellery funds three scholarships per year for the renowned College of Europe (Collège d'Europe) in Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Poland).

Target group:  Postgraduates
Target countries: Belgium, Poland
Duration: 10 months
Funding organisation: Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria
Closing date for applications: End of January 2024

Further information

culture connected

The initiative supports cooperation projects between schools and cultural partners. Cultural activities are developed together to increase the potential of the pupils and their participation in art and culture.

Target group: All schools with public status throughout Austria as well as project teams of educational day care institutions – always in cooperation with cultural institutions, cultural initiatives and cultural associations

Target country: Austria

Closing date for application: autumn

Further information

Erasmus+ Next Generation

Erasmus+, the successful EU programme in education, youth and sport, will continue in the years 2021-2027. Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education (including early childhood education and care), adult education and youth work.

All those involved in education and youth can participate: young people, pupils, apprentices, students, graduates, teachers, lecturers and staff, schools, higher education institutions, vocational education and training and adult education institutions and youth organisations, companies, social partners, public authorities, human resources departments, libraries, non-profit organisations and institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), European youth NGOs, informal groups of young people, and many more. Funding opportunities include work placements, studying abroad, Europe-wide training courses and teaching assignments, youth exchanges and mobility of professionals in the youth sector. Funding is also available for project partnerships between institutions.

Further information

Erasmus+ study abroad periods

Within the framework of Erasmus+ students have the possibility to do part of their studies at a partner higher education institution in another European country or in partner countries worldwide. The prerequisite is an existing inter-institutional agreement between the student's home and host universities. A total of up to 12 months per study cycle can be funded. Academic recognition of the stay abroad is provided for.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates

Target countries: 27 EU member countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey (= Erasmus+ programme countries), partner countries worldwide

Duration: 2 to 12 months

Funding organisation: national, EU

Closing date for applications: please enquire at the office where you have to submit your application (home university)

Further information

Erasmus+ Internships

Students and graduates can do a study-related internship in the Erasmus+ programme countries or partner countries worldwide. They can do this internship in a company, a training or research institution or other organisation that is able to support and enable the agreed learning progress for the relevant degree programme. It must be a full-time internship. The internship will be recognised either as part of the curriculum or in the Diploma Supplement.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates

Target countries: 27 EU member countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Turkey (= Erasmus+ programme countries), partner countries worldwide

Duration: 2 to 12 months

Funding organisation: national, EU

Closing date for applications: please enquire at the office where you have to submit your application (higher education institution at which you are studying)

Further information

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EU and worldwide)

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) provides full-time scholarships of 1,400 euros / month for excellent students from Austria, Europe and around the world who have successfully applied for one of the EMJM courses (see EMJM catalogue below).
An EMJM course usually lasts two years and is a consortium of at least three higher education institutions from different countries – not only from Austria or Europe but from all over the world. Students must study at at least two of these higher education institutions. Internships in companies or research institutions are also possible during the EMJM course.

Further information about the available courses

Erhard Busek Grant

The Erhard Busek Grant aims to enable highly qualified students from non-European developing countries to complete a full two-year Master's program in Austria. This excellence scholarship supports top-performing students, particularly in STEM fields or English-taught Master's programs. The primary focus is to enhance the career opportunities of the scholars and ultimately contribute to integrating graduates into the Austrian labor market.

Target group: Graduates of a Bachelor’s program who aim to pursue a two-year Master's degree in Austria. Applicants must have completed their studies at a higher education institution in a non-European developing country. Scholarships are only awarded to students with an unconditional admission offer to an eligible Master’s program.

Country of origin: Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cabo Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Chad, Tunisia, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Duration: 24 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH, on behalf of and funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF)

Closing date for applications: Starting February 2025, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis

Further information

Ernst Mach Grant – UKRAINE

As a reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the forced flight from the country, there is a need for immediate support for displaced persons as well as for students, graduates and scientists who are already in Austria and who have lost their financial support due to the war.

The special scholarship programme Ernst Mach – Ukraine is extended for the new period with the purpose to further support Ukrainian students by completing their first academic degree in Austria. The application is open only to current scholarship holders of the grant.

Target group: Only for current scholarship holders (Students, Graduates, PhD students)

Countries of origin: Ukraine (citizenship) 

Duration: max. 10 months until 28.02.2026

Scholarship sum: 715 euros per month

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: 31.02.2025

Further information & FAQ (Ukrainian, German)

Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) (International)

The Ernst Mach Grant for studying at an Austrian university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) is intended for international students who want to spend a study period at an Austrian university of applied sciences. The purpose of the programme is to promote the internationalisation of the university of applied sciences sector in Austria.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates

Countries of origin: non-European countries

Duration: 4 to 10 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: February 1st

Further Information

Ernst Mach Grant worldwide (International)

The Ernst Mach Grant worldwide is intended for young researchers and university lecturers of all disciplines who are studying or pursuing research outside Austria and want to do a research project in Austria.

Target group: Postgraduates, Postdocs

Countries of origin: all

Duration: 1 to 9 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: February 1st

Further Information

Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam)

The Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET within the framework of the ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) enables study and research stays in Austria. The target group is researchers (postgraduates, postdocs and lecturers at member institutions of the ASEA-UNINET) as well as undergraduates and graduates (music performance).

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs

Countries of origin: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Duration: Undergraduates, Graduates 9 months | Postdocs: 4 to 9 months | Postgraduates: max. 36 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET (on behalf of and financed by funds of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research)

Closing date for applications: up to 1 closing date per year (Spring)

Further information

Ernst Mach – ASEA-UNINET Short-term Research Grant

The Ernst Mach– ASEA-UNINET Short-term Research Grant within the framework of the ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) enables short-term research stays in Austria. The target group is researchers (postdocs and lecturers at member institutions of the ASEA-UNINET).

Target Group: Postdocs

Countries of origin: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

Duration: 1-2 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET (on behalf of and financed by funds of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research)

Closing date for applications: ongoing

Further information

Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant (non-European developing countries)

The Ernst Mach Follow-up Grant (EZA) is a programme for former scholarship holders from non-European developing countries. Eligible for application are people who are pursuing research or are teaching at a higher education institution in a developing country and already received a scholarship administered by the OeAD.

Target group: Postdocs

Countries of origin: non-European developing countries

Duration: 1 to 3 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: February 1st

 Further information

Eurasia-Pacific Uninet

The Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU) was established in 2000 with the objective of developing an educational network for Austrian universities, universities of applied sciences and other educational institutions in Central Asia, East Asia and the Pacific. It comprises a great number of international partners of all fields of research and supports projects in the areas of research, research-based teaching and art as well as technology cooperations.

Target group: Scientists at EPU member institutions (at least current PhD/doctoral studies)

Target countries: countries with EPU member institutions

Duration: 12 months

Closing date for applications: 1 closing date per year

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further information

Doctoral Grant for the European University Institute (EUI)

The grant is targeted at highly qualified postgraduates who wish to pursue a doctoral programme in one of the following departments at the EUI in Florence: history and cultural history, economic sciences (political economy), legal studies, political and social sciences. LL.M programmes are not supported.

Target group: Postgraduates

Target country: Italy

Duration: 36 months

Closing date for applications: January 31st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Doctoral Programme

Further information

Franz Werfel Fellowship for young university teachers of German language and Austrian literature (International)

The Franz Werfel Fellowship is intended for persons with above-average qualifications, preferably with teaching experience and employment at a university, who focus on Austrian literature. The duration of the fellowhip is four to nine months; an extension to up to 18 months is possible. Persons who consumed at least 12 scholarship months can apply for the follow-up support programme.

Target group: Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Countries of origin: all

Duration: 4 to 9 months (an extension to up to 18 months is possible)

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: March 1st

Further information

ISTernship summer program

Since 2015 the OeAD has been running the ISTernship summer programme on behalf of ISTA Austria. Young bachelor’s and master’s students can spend 2-3 months in one of the research groups at ISTA Austria.

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates

Countries of origin: varies depending on the call for applications

Duartion: 2-3 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by funds from ISTA Austria

Closing date for applications: 15th February

For more information please see the ISTernship summer progam website.

Scholarship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

The JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers) is offered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and enables young scientists and university lecturers at Austrian universities to spend a research period in Japan.

Target group: Postdocs, Researchers

Target country: Japan

Duration: 12 to 24 months

Closing date for appliation: any time (by July 30th the latest)

Funding organisation: Japanese Government

Further information

K3 PROJECTS. Cultural education with apprentices

Apprenticeship training and cultural education need not be a contradiction! Our K3 PROJECTS series has been specially developed for dual vocational training. It is a model series of cultural education projects that have been developed by the OeAD specifically for apprenticeship training. The name K3 stands for networking and communication of three areas: apprentices, training centres (schools and companies) and the arts and culture sector.

Objectives of the K3 PROJECTS:

  • Establishing cultural programmes for apprentices in the dual training system
  • Enabling apprentices to participate in cultural processes and activities
  • Offering an additional qualification programme for companies – in terms of "key skills" (communication, teamwork, creative thinking/action, problem-solving skills, openness to new ideas)
  • Raising awareness of apprentices' skills among a broader public

The aim of all K3 projects is to stimulate cultural activity of people – always based on the life realities and work realities of young people and in encounters between apprentices and creative artists and cultural educators.

Registration: possible at all times

Further information

Children’s and Youth Universities

Children's and youth universities offer a broad range of opportunities to immerse oneself in the world of science and research within the framework of lectures, workshops, excursions, etc. The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) supports the children’s and youth universities in Austria with a funding programme that has been coordinated by the OeAD since 2021. At the same time the budget for projects has been doubled to 1.2 million euros. This means that extension modules for “Holiday care with a scientific claim” can also be funded.
Further information

Kooperation Entwicklungsforschung (Cooperation Development Research)

The programme "Cooperation Development Research", financed by the BMBWF, is a funding programme to support development research projects.

The aim is to support application-oriented cooperation projects between Austrian higher education institutions/research institutions and institutions in countries of the Global South in order to contribute to analysing and solving local challenges and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

Eligible costs are mobility and material expenses in the context of 1-3 year research projects in all scientific disciplines.
Depending on the duration of the project the funding amounts are up to EUR 50,000.- per project.

Eligible to apply are researchers (postdocs) at Austrian universities and non-university research institutions within the framework of application-oriented research as well as researchers at universities and non-university research institutions in countries of the Global South according to the DAC list of the OECD.


Since the school year 2021/22 the OeAD has offered the most comprehensive cultural education programme with schools all over Austria with the “Kultur:Bildung” ("Culture:Education") initiative. The "School Culture Budget for Federal Schools" and the "Dialogue Events" programmes have been integrated into this initiative.

Target group: All schools with public status

Target country: Austria

Closing date for applications: no closing date, applications are possible at any time but at least 6 week before the start of the project

Further information

Lectureship programme

The lectureship programme is a mobility programme for teaching German language and Austrian literature and cultural studies at universities abroad.

Target group: Postgraduates, Postdocs

Target countries: see current call for applications

Duration: 1 to 5 academic years

Closing date for applications: January 31st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further Information

Marietta Blau Grant

The Marietta Blau Grant offers financial support for six- to twelve-month stays abroad for highly qualified doctoral or PhD students at Austrian universities. It serves to optimise the content of dissertations through research abroad. Early-stage researchers are the main target group.

Target group: PhD scholars from Austrian Universities

Target countries: all except Austria

Duration: 6 to 12 months

Closing date for applications: February 1st, September 1st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further Information

Marietta Blau Grants of the Austrian Centers

The Marietta Blau Grants of the Austrian Centres (formally known as Doctoral Research Fellowships) are aimed at highly qualified doctoral candidates who wish to complete a research stay at an institute of the Austria Centers. The fellowship serves to optimize their doctoral thesis; therefore the fellowship stay must be completed before submitting the doctoral thesis:

  • Alberta/Edmonton: Social Sciences and Humanities as well as Music and Dramatic Arts
  • Jerusalem: Social Sciences, Law, Humanities and European Studies
  • Minnesota: Economic Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities and Music Studies
  • New Orleans: Political Sciences and History

Target group: PhD students who are enrolled in an ongoing doctoral or PhD programme (matching the field) in Austria or at one of the universities with an affiliated Austria Center with a corresponding research focus.

Target countries: Canada, Israel, United States

Duration: 10 and 12 months (Canada)

Closing date for applications: February 1st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further information

Medical scholarship of the Vienna Healthcare Association

As of the summer semester of 2024 the Vienna Healthcare Association will support students who commit themselves to carrying out their general medical or specialist medical training in specific subjects (anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, clinical pathology and molecular pathology, orthopaedics and traumatology, psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine as well as radiotherapy-radiooncology or radiology) at a clinic of the Vienna Healthcare Association (except at the Vienna General Hospital) and then continuing to work as a medical doctor at one of these clinics for at least five years.

Target group: Students of medicine at Austrian universities who are at least in their third year of study and can provide proof of positive academic success, are involved in the medical or social field and have experience in migration and integration.

Country of origin: Austria (main residence in Austria and admission to study medicine at an Austrian university)

Duration: for the duration of the study programme (but for a maximum of 42 months), annual extension

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the City of Vienna – Vienna Healthcare Association

Closing date for applications: 31 January 2024

Further information 

Monbukagakusho Grant (Incoming)

The Monbukagakusho Grant is intended for candidates who are studying, doing research or are teaching in Japan at the time of application and who want to spend a research period in Austria.

Target group: Graduates, Postgraduates, Postdocs, Researchers

Country of origin: Japan

Duration: 9 months (an extension is possible once for a maximum of 12 months)

Funding organisation: Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  (MEXT)

Closing date for applications: The programme has expired, no further applications possible

Further information


ERINNERN:AT is the OeAD's programme for teaching and learning about National Socialism and the Holocaust. It promotes the transfer of historical and methodological-didactic knowledge as well as reflection on its significance for the present.

Main areas of work:

  • National and international cooperation in educational projects
  • Further education and training programmes as well as conferences for Austrian teachers
  • Seminar trips to Israel embedded in Austrian university colleges of teacher education courses
  • Teaching and learning materials, learning websites and apps for use in the classroom, in distance learning and out-of-school youth education
  • Historical tours and (school) exhibitions
  • Talks with Austrian survivors and witnesses of national socialism and the holocaust at schools and in online formats
  • Up-to-date information about remembrance culture and Holocaust education on the website www.erinnern.at

Target group: Teachers, educational professionals, teacher training students as well as teacher training institutions, stakeholders in the Austrian education system, and interested members of the public.

To the website of erinnern.at

OeAD Centre for Citizen Science

Target group: Researchers

The citizen science approach enables research projects in which interested citizens take part. To make this approach better known in the research community the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) initiated the OeAD Centre for Citizen Science in 2015 as an information, advisory and service centre. Since then the staff have made a significant contribution to the accumulation of citizen science expertise in the education and research landscape. Expertise in citizen science and science communication is promoted through events, lectures and networking activities such as the network of citizen science contact persons.
One of the OeAD’s most important projects in this area is the Citizen Science Award. Since 2015 this competition has invited all interested citizens, school classes and, for the first time in 2023, also families to take part in citizen science projects from 1 April each year. The most committed citizen scientists can look forward to cash and non-cash prizes, which are awarded during a festive event. In the run-up to the event research projects can be submitted every autumn to become part of the competition.

Further information

Prix Ars Electronica - u19-create your world

u19-create your world is the Prix Ars Electronica competition for young people up to and including the age of 19 who enjoy developing something new and helping shape the world of tomorrow with their ideas and projects. The competition is looking for ideas and projects that express individual concerns and current topics from the fields of art, technology and society where the participants use their own methods and self-selected tools and materials. The competition is deliberately kept very open: Games, films, visualisations, podcasts, pieces of music, sound installations, drawings, stories, software, hardware, prototypes, concepts, poems and much more are welcome.

Who can take part?

All young people up to and including the age of 19 (cut-off date = closing date for submissions in March 2023) who live in Austria can take part. Both individuals and project groups can take part. Works created within the framework of school projects can also be submitted.

How will the submissions be assessed?

The prizes will be awarded by a jury of five experts.

What can you win?

A total of ten projects in all age groups will receive prizes and more than 8,000 euros in prize money will be awarded. The main prize will be the Golden Nica worth 3,000 euros. 13 recognition prizes will also be awarded.

Closing date for applications: March 2023

Further information (in German)


+43 732 7272-73


The Austria-wide creative competition projekteuropa is looking for artistic works on the topic of "Kunst Bild(et) Chancen!"

Target group: All schools with public status

Target country: Austria

Closing date for applications: 2 May 2022

Further information


This series supports school projects in building culture education (from the disciplines of architecture, landscape design, urban and spatial planning, etc.). Teams consisting of pupils, teachers and at least one non-school cultural partner are invited to submit their project concepts from all areas of art and culture.

Who can take part: Cultural institutions that have a continuous annual programme, cultural initiatives and associations that collaborate with one or more schools with public status or school day care project teams.

What can be submitted: Cooperation projects between schools and cultural institutions in all areas of art and culture can be submitted. Cultural activities that strengthen the pupils’ potential and their participation in art and culture will be developed together.

Closing date for submissions: 12 December 2022

Further information (in German)

Richard Plaschka Fellowship (International)

The Richard Plaschka Fellowhip is intended for highly qualified researchers in the field of history who are primarily occupied with Austria-related topics. These are: Postdocs as well as Praedocs from countries not familiar with the Habilitation system (state doctorate/postdoctoral lecture qualification).

Target group: PhD students, PhD holders, post docs, Researchers

Countries of origin: all except Austria

Duration: 4 to 18 months

The initial award is up to 12 months; following a positive evaluation, it is possible to extend the grant for up to 18 months.

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: March 1st, 2025

Further Information

SHER (Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo)

Das Projekt Sustainable Higher Education and Research (SHER) ermöglicht (angehenden) kosovarischen PhD-Studierenden und PostDocs einen Studien-/Forschungsaufenthalt in Österreich. Das Fellowship-Programm zielt darauf ab, die Qualität von Lehre, Forschung und Innovation im kosovarischen Hochschul- und Forschungssektor zu verbessern.

Zielgruppe: PhD Studierende, Postdocs

Herkunftsland: Kosovo

Dauer: Post-Docs: 1-3 Monat(e), PhDs: 1-12 Monat(e), Option auf Verlängerung (bei PhD-Studium in Österreich)

Fördergeber: OeAD-GmbH im Auftrag der Austrian Development Agency (ADA), ko-finanziert vom Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation (MESTI) der Republik Kosovo im Rahmen des SHER Projekts (Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo). 

Weitere Informationen

Sparkling Science 2.0

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) the OeAD funds citizen science projects in which pupils of all school levels – and also civil society – are actively involved in research processes with the programme “Sparkling Science 2.0”. In this way the citizen scientists get to know science first hand and contribute to the research results.

Further information

Scholarship of the Austrian health insurance provider (ÖGK) for medical students

Since the academic year 2022/23 the Austrian health insurance provider (ÖGK) has supported students who commit themselves to working with a contract with the ÖGK for at least five years in an Austrian region in need of medical doctors after completing their general medical or specialist training in certain disciplines (paediatrics and adolescent medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine, child and adolescent psychiatry).

Target group: Medical students at Austrian universities who are at least in their third year of study and who can prove that they have successfully completed their studies so far and who engage in medical or social work.

Country of origin: Austria (main residence in Austria and admission to study medicine at an Austrian university)

Duration: for the duration of the study programme (but only for a maximum of 42 months), annual extension

Funding organisation: OeAD on behalf of and financed by the Austrian health insurance provider (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (ÖGK))

Closing date for applications: the latest: 12 February 2023

Further information (in German)

Scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Master’s Degree Studies in the Field of International Relations (International)

The scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Master’s Degree Studies in the Field of International Relations are intended for descendants of forced labourers under the NS regime and nationals of countries that suffered particularly from the NS regime. Students can apply for a master’s degree programme in the field of International Relations.

Target group: Graduates, Postgraduates

Countries of origin: all

Target country: Austria

Duration: 9 months

Closing date for applications: April 1st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria

Further information

Scholarships for scientific stays at Taiwanese universities (traditional degree (diploma degree) students or master’s students)

To promote junior researchers and scientific cooperation scholarships are offered for a stay at Taiwanese universities.

Target group: Graduates or traditional degree (diploma degree) students at Austrian public universities, private universities and universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) (prerequisite: successful completion of at least one semester in the 2nd stage of a traditional (diploma) programme or at least one semester in a master’s programme by the closing date for applications). Students who are actively studying (i.e. taking examinations) (at least five ECTS credits in the past semester) or who are active in research are eligible to apply.

Country of origin: Austria

Duration: 1 to 4 months

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research 

Closing date for applications: March 1st

Further information

Scholarships for scientific stays at Taiwanese universities (doctoral students, lecturers, researchers)

To promote junior researchers and scientific cooperation scholarships are offered for a stay at Taiwanese universities.

Target group: Postgraduates, doctoral students, lecturers and researchers at Austrian public universities, private universities and universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) (prerequisite: successful completion of at least one semester of a doctoral degree programme by the closing date for applications or teaching activities.) Preference will be given to applications that serve to prepare joint projects between Austrian and Taiwanese educational institutions. The scholarship serves to establish contacts for future academic cooperation in research and teaching.

Country of origin: Austria

Duration: maximum of 1 month

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Closing date for applications: March 1st

Further information

Indonesia – Austria scholarship programme (IASP)

The Indonesia – Austria scholarship programme is intended for Indonesian students who want to pursue a doctoral programme at an Austrian university and who fulfil the admission requirements for the doctoral programme. It is based on an agreement between the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD) and the OeAD-GmbH in cooperation with ASEA-UNINET.

Target group: Postgraduates

Country of origin: Indonesia

Target countries: Austria

Duration: 36 months (extension to up to 48 months on a case-to-case basis)

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by funds of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (KEMENDIKBUD) and the OeAD-GmbH

Further information

University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships

The University of Klagenfurt in collaboration with the OeAD offers a scholarship for English-speaking master's programmes in the field of ICT. The scholarship provides not only monthly financial support and travel costs for the first year of the master's studies but also assistance in finding a paid internship in the ICT sector. It is the product of a cooperation between Carinthia’s Chamber of Commerce (WKO Kärnten) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV Kärnten).

Target group: Undergraduates, Graduates

Countries of Origin: Eligible for application are graduates of a bachelor's programme in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) who completed their bachelor's studies in one of these countries: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, North Macedonia, Palestinian territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovenia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH with financial support provided by the University of Klagenfurt

Call Deadline: 1 closing date per year (tbe)

For more information please take a look at the Technology Scholarships webpage

Further information

Flyer Winter semester 2024/25

Teaching worldwide

The OeAD supports the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) within the framework of the "Teaching Worldwide" programme in the implementation of mobility programmes for teachers, such as the language assistance programme, short-term stays abroad for teachers and Austrian teachers abroad. The "Culture and Language" programme organises "Austrian days" abroad and seminars in Austria for teachers of German abroad.

Further information

Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation)

The Scientific & Technological Cooperation (S&T Cooperation) is based on inter-governmental and bilateral agreements for cooperations in the fields of science and technology. The financial support is intended for research visits within the framework of concrete scientific cooperation projects with researchers from partner countries of the Scientific & Technological Cooperation; the basic funding of the research projects must be secured from other sources. Funding is available mainly for travel and accommodation costs.

Target group: Researchers (project coordinators), PhD students (team members)

Target countries: Albania, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, India, Korea (ROK), North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine, Vietnam

Duration: 24 months

Closing date for applications: 7-10 per year

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

Further information

Young Science - science education at schools

The 2021 Eurobarometer survey clearly showed how important activities to boost confidence in science and an understanding of democracy within the population are. To contribute to this and to familiarise pupils with science and research the OeAD offers numerous Young Science initiatives and projects. The aim is to inspire and encourage headmasters and headmistresses and teachers as well as pupils to engage with science and research.

Target group: Schools

Selected Initiatives

  • Young Science ambassadors: virtual school visits and school visits in person by researchers
  • #YoungScienceRocks: collection of approximately 200 initiatives and materials for school lessons to boost confidence in science
  • Pupils to higher education institutions: measure that enables (highly) gifted pupils to attend courses at higher education institutions and take examinations
  • Young Science Thematic Platform: more than 5,000 suggestions for topics from science for pre-academic papers/final papers including literature tips, links and personal contact possibilities
  • Young Science Inspiration Award: award for graduates who used the thematic platform and whose work has inspired researchers
  • Citizen Science Award: Take part in selected Citizen Science projects and win prizes.

Further information

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