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 Helmut Spitzer (2023). "Wenn Elefanten kämpfen, leidet das Gras". Soziale Arbeit in Afrikas Region der Großen Seen. BELTZ JUVENTA Verlag. ISBN:978-3-7799-6138-3

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen Sozialer Arbeit in der afrikanischen Zwischenseenregion. Auf Basis langjähriger Forschung werden praxisnahe Einblicke in länderspezifische Kontexte und ausgewählte Handlungsfelder geboten. Dabei wird deutlich, wie schwierig bis unmöglich der Auftrag der Sozialen Arbeit zu erfüllen ist angesichts weitverbreiteter Armut, politischer Gewalt und schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Ein besonderes Anliegen des Autors ist die kritische Reflexion eurozentrischer Perspektiven sowie das Aufgreifen indigener Ansätze Sozialer Arbeit.

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Aminata Fall & Reinhard Haas (Eds.) (2022). Sustainable Energy Access for Communities Rethinking the Energy Agenda for Cities. Springer Link.

This open access book examines the transition to sustainable energy systems in emerging cities. Experts from around the world present case studies from different countries and discuss efforts were needed for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors look into the issue of environment vs. economics and discuss the question of whether the energy transition goal can conflict with other development goals such as decent work and economic growth. Furthermore, innovation in energy transition is introduced, both in technology and citizens’ engagement. The book presents the latest developments on energy access and transition to sustainability throughout the overall value chain: from basic research in universities to documentation of lessons learned in the field. The empirical evidence presented makes this book appealing to scholars in the field of energy sustainability as well as to policy-makers and energy service companies.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Sustainable Energy Access for Sustainable Cities | SEA4cities

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© StudienVerlag cover of APPEAR II book

Andreas J. Obrecht (Hg.) (2022): APPEAR II. New pathways towards participative knowledge production through transnational and transcultural academic cooperation StudienVerlag. Innsbruck/Wien ISBN 978-3-7065-6108-2

The new APPEAR book provides insights into the second programme phase of APPEAR from 2014 to 2021. The book with the subtitle “New pathways towards participative knowledge production through transnational and transcultural academic cooperation” is an ambitious undertaking. It documents 26 projects of the past programme phase with a wide variety of approaches to knowledge production relevant to development policy. It illustrates the diverse possibilities of transdisciplinary development research within the projects which were realized in 15 different countries. 
The editor, Andreas J. Obrecht, encouraged the 105 authors – 46 female, 59 male – to investigate questions, problems and dimensions of knowledge production that are usually not addressed in research and project reports. Project planning, no matter how successful, can only partially anticipate the social reality of implementing a project. Flexibility, creativity and improvisation are indispensable prerequisites for successful project implementation in often difficult research conditions. Thus, this book is not only a documentation of the second phase of the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development – APPEAR – but also a discursive contribution on practical approaches to transdisciplinary and transcultural knowledge production. In addition, the book includes hundreds of photos made in the context of the described projects and have been made available for publication in this book by the project leaders. 

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Melcher A., R. Ouedraogo, A. Oueda, J Somda, P Toe, J. Sendzimir, G. Slezak, C. Voigt (2020) SUSFISHBook -Sustainable Fisheries and Water Management. Transformation Pathways for Burkina Faso. SUSFISH+ Project Consortium - ISBN: 978-3-9504470-9-5

The SUSFISHBook, Sustainable Fisheries and Water Management - Transformation Pathways for Burkina Faso, presents a path forward for sustainable fisheries, highlighting project approaches in order to inspire innovation. OeAD alumnus Raymond Ouedraogo was one of the project coordinators and editor of the book. Former APPEAR scholars Idrissa Kabore, Mano Komandan and Vincent-Paul Sanon contributed with their research to the SUSFISHBook. Other valuable contributions include the insights of eight master- and five doctoral theses.

The project member’s strong commitment to cooperate, yielded results from natural, political and the social sciences, tackling recent challenges in Burkinabe fisheries and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems. Research encompassed systemic assessment of interactions and linkages affecting Burkinabe fisheries, including threats to aquatic ecosystems, climatic change, fish- and benthic macroinvertebrate ecology and socio-economic challenges. The SUSFISHBook gives insight and stimulation for development and research in a sphere thus enhancing the understanding of socio-economic development of African inlands waters. It will serve as a basis for further development of science and policies for a better future in fisheries. This critical summary suggests new path-ways for development of a long-term vision for fish resources and aquatic eco-system, following new political trends of sustainable development.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Sustainable Management of Water and Fish Resources in Burkina Faso | SUSFISH+. It is is freely available for download on the project website and on researchgate.

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© Brill/Nijhoff

Wolfgang Benedek, Tadesse Kassa Woldetsadik, Tesfaye Abate Abebe (Hg.) (2020):Implementation of International Human Rights Commitments and the Impact on Ongoing Legal Reforms in Ethiopia, Brill | Nijhoff,ISBN: 978-90-04-41596-6

This edited volume on Implementation of International Human Rights Commitments and Implications on Ongoing Legal Reforms in Ethiopia addresses key themes of contemporary interest focused on identifying the gaps between Ethiopia’s human rights commitments and the practical problems associated with the realisation of human rights goals. Political and legal challenges affecting implementation at the domestic levels continue – the nature and complexity of which have been thoroughly expounded in this volume. This edition uncovers the key challenges involving civil, political and socio-economic rights and cultural and institutional dimensions of the implementation of human rights in Ethiopia – while the country is absorbed in legal and political reforms.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Advanced Academic Partnership for Legal and Human Rights Education | AAPLHRE.

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© Fountain Publishers Uganda

Janestic M. Twikirize, Helmut Spitzer (eds.). (2019). Social Work Practice in Africa: Indigenous and Innovative Approaches. Fountain Publishers Uganda. ISBN: 9789970617920. 

The importance of integrating indigenous knowledge systems into mainstream social work and ensuring context-specific, culturally relevant practice has long been emphasised in Africa and the Global South. This book, based on empirical research, presents a selection of indigenous and innovative models and approaches of problem solving that will inspire social work practice and education. At the core of these models lies a conceptual understanding of the community as the overarching principle for effective social work and social development in African contexts. The empirical part of the book has a focus on East Africa and highlights case examples from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Kenya. The book is intended for use by those involved in social work and social development practice, social work educators, students, as well as policy makers. It is relevant not just for audiences in Africa but also the global social work community, especially those interested in promoting culturally relevant social work.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Professional Social Work in East Africa - Towards Sustainable Impact | PROSOWO II.

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Andreas J. Obrecht (Hg.) (2015): APPEAR: Participative knowledge production through transnational and transcultural academic cooperation. Wien/Köln/Weimar: Böhlau Verlag. ISBN 978-3-205-79690-9

APPEAR – the „Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development“ – is financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation and funds cooperation in teaching, research and management between Austrian universities and academic institutions and a total of 13 partner countries. APPEAR is not interested in one-sided knowledge transfer, but in creating transdisciplinary and transnational spaces of mutual learning and participative research.

As detailed in this publication, the programme has established 17 academic partnerships with institutions across Latin America, Africa and Asia since its inception in 2009. Presented are exciting examples of participative and transcultural knowledge production that are highly relevant to issues of sustainable development in the affected countries.

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Nyongesa, K.W. (2015): Fire Management in Forests and National Parks of Kenya: Case studies at Kakamega, Mount Elgon and Mount Kenya Forest and National Park in Kenya. Saarbrücken, Germany: AV Akademikerverlag. ISBN: 978-3-639-79212-6

This book explores the root cause of fires in forests and national parks of Kenya and the regional differences in the implementation of fire management plans, policies, strategic actions and actions. The awareness of the fire management educational programmes by communities and other stakeholders involved in firefighting is well discussed. Improved communication between government and communities is key for successful fire management in Kakamega, Mount Elgon and Mount Kenya Forest and National Park.

According to the Kenya Forest Service, climate change and the increasing human activities in forests and national parks are causing an increase in the number of fire incidences and the damage caused by wildfires leading to the reduction of the forest cover. The local knowledge of the indigeneous communities in Kenya is important in improving fire management practices in the country. But, the increasing population of Kenya growing at a rate of 1,45% is putting a strain on the natural resources. Results of the 2009 national census place the population figure at 40 million, well above the UN projected population for the year 2015. So sustainable forest management is a challenge in Kenya.

This research was made possible by a sholarship of the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education & Research for Development (APPEAR).

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Abdul Majeed, A.; Dr. Sakka, A. (2014): A Guide to Applied Field Research in the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Evaluation of Experience and a Vision for the Future. Birzeit, Palestine: The Centre for Development Studies, Birzeit University. ISBN: 978-9950-334-26-7

The idea for developing this manual emerged from the accumulated field experiences of the survey unit at the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) – Bierzeit University, which exceeded 15 years in conducting both qualitative and quantitative surveys and field researches. The increase in the surveys conducted in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) since the mid-nineties, in which the CDS had a pioneering role, is a clear indicator for the need of such a manual. Especially when noting the content of many of the surveys conducted which dealt with the effects of Oslo Accord in terms of the relationship between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli Occupation and the types of issues and priorities highlighted. In other words, the disordered basis in the relations between the occupier/colonizer and those occupied/colonized produced immediate issues to the national, class related and ideological issues.

This manual seeks to present a critical view of how field work should be carried out by including structural factors and hence a more complex understanding of realities especially the “occupation/colonization” effect. This is done through presenting several admonitions against being driven by theoretical concepts and frameworks that are incapable of understanding the colonization context.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Conflict, Participation and Development in Palestine | CPDP, followed by the Advanced Academic Partnership Rooting Development in the Palestinian Context | ROOTDEVPAL.

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Benedek, W.; Pippan, C.; Woldetsadik, T.K.; Yimer, S.A. (2014): Ethiopian and Wider African Perspectives on Human Rights and Good Governance. Vienna - Graz, Austria: NWV Verlag GmbH. ISBN: 978-3-7083-0992-7

In contemporary discourses on democracy, development and human security, increasing recognition is accorded to the crucial relationship between the prevalence of ‘good governance' and prospects of a meaningful implementation of international and domestic human rights standards. Most of the contributions assembled in the present book aim at analyzing this relationship more closely by specifically focusing on Ethiopia, a rising East-African nation that is struggling to maintain the momentum of transformation more than twenty years into its journey from a repressive dictatorship to democratic rule. The chapters are supplemented by contributions that take into account wider regional perspectives on self-determination, human rights, human security, as well as emerging regional standards on constitutionalism.

The publication emanates from a joint undertaking of the Institute of International Law and International Relations at the University of Graz, the Institute of Federalism and Legal Studies at the Ethiopian Civil Service University, and the Center for Human Rights Studies at Addis Ababa University. It is part of a broader project entitled ‘Academic Partnership on Legal and Human Rights Education (APLHRE)', which received generous support from the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD) with financial means of the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project APLHRE, followed by the Advanced Academic Partnership for Legal and Human Rights Education | AAPLHRE.

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Klawatsch-Treitl, E.; Arteaga, E. (2014): Soziale Arbeit und ihr Beitrag zu einer gerechten und inklusiven Entwicklung: Zentrale Themen des akademischen Austausches zwischen Wien und San Salvador. San Salvador, El Salvador: ULS Editores. / Klawatsch-Treitl, E.; Arteaga, E. (2014): Trabajo Social y su contribución para un desarrollo equitativo e inclusivo: Temas centrales de un intercambio académico entre Viena y San Salvador. San Salvador, El Salvador: ULS Editores. ISBN: 978-99961-933-1-6

Durch dieses Projekt wurde nicht nur der Fachbereich für Soziale Arbeit der ULS, sondern auch die Soziale Arbeit in El Salvador allgemein gestärkt. Dies geschah durch das Vorantreiben der wissenschaftlichen Forschung in diesem Bereich, wodurch - auf Grundlage lokaler Projekte (Orig. Spanisch: Proyectos Locales) - ein Vorschlag für eine Methodologie der Sozialen Arbeit hinsichtlich sozialer Integrationsprozesse entwickelt werden konnte. Der zugrundeliegende transkulturelle Erfahrungsaustausch sowie die Debatte über Soziale Arbeit als Arbeitsprozess, fanden über den universitären Bereich der ULS (Lehrende, Studierende, Absolvent_innen) hinaus auch mit dem Berufsverband der salvadorianischen Sozialarbeiter_innen und anderern Universitäten, die diesen Lehrgang anbieten statt.

Con la ejecución de este proyecto se ha fortalecido el Departamento Trabajo Social de la ULS; pero se ha trascendido al fortalecimiento el Trabajo Social en El Salvador, con el fomento de la investigación científica en la disciplina, generando una propuesta de metodología de Trabajo Social para procesos de inserción social -como resultado de la ejecución de los proyectos locales-, con el intercambio de experiencias a nivel transcultural, con el debate sobre el Trabajo Social como proceso de trabajo, no solo involucrando a la comunidad universitaria de la ULS (docentes, estudiantes, graduados/as), sino también al gremio de trabajadores/as sociales salvadoreños/as y a las otras universidades que imparten la carrera.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Improvement of social work education to foster social development and poverty reduction. An academic exchange of theory, methodology and practice | TECS

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Querol Lipcovich, D. (ed.); Benavides Gonzáles, À.; Cisne Contreras, J.; Morán Centeno, J.C.; Nieto Reyes, F.; Schauppenlehner, T.; Yepes Pérez, F. (2014): Cambiando Mentes y Estructuras: Ideas para el Desarrollo Participativo Integral Rural. Programa para el Desarrollo Participativo Integral Rural (DEPARTIR) Universidad Nacional Agraria Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua: Universidad Nacional Agraria. ISBN: 978-99924-1-030-1

En este texto unimos los vigores dispersos de compañeros, amigos y colegas, quienes durante los últimos 30 años hemos, por diferentes caminos, buscado acercar el trabajo académico a la realidad campesina. Se describen los pasos del Diagnóstico Participativo Integral Rural, escuchando de la población cuál es su realidad y capacidad actual y obteniéndo datos adicionales de campo, para luego analizar qué problemas podrían tener soluciones tecnológicas y científicas. Finalmente se presenta la metodología para los procesos de discusión y priorización con la población de las propuestas teóricas, para que las familias pongan en marcha y prueben las alternativas que consideran útiles, con el apoyo de estudiantes y profesores.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Changing Minds and Structures: the Nicaraguan Agricultural University’s growing Involvement with Rural Communities | DEPARTIR.

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Spitzer, H.; Twikirize, J.M.; Wairire, G.G. (2014): Professional Social Work in East Africa: Towards Social Development, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality. Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers. ISBN: 978-9970-25-367-8 (Paper Back) / 978-9970-25-370-8 (eBook)

Prevalent poverty and related problems in the East African region call for substantial action from various stakeholders, including social workers. This book, based on comprehensive empirical research, portrays an emerging yet powerful profession that has a significant role to play in the endeavour towards social development, social justice, human rights and gender equality. The book is the first of its kind to provide first-hand theoretical and empirical evidence about social work in East Africa.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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Kalinganire, C.; Rutikanga, C. (2015): The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and the Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Rwanda. Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers. ISBN: 978-9970-25-368-5

It is universally known that the overall role of the social work profession is to 'help people to help themselves', i.e. to change people's conditions at the micro, mezzo and macro levels by referring to the key principles of participation, self-reliance, sustainability and empowerment. In Rwanda, social work emerged particularly in response to problems associated with the unprecedented consequences of the 1994 genocide. The newly trained professionals committed to playing a significant role in reconstructing the social fabric and enhancing the welfare of the people encountering particular problems including trauma, isolation, destitution and extreme poverty.

The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and the Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Rwanda is a result of evidence-based researchconducted in Rwanda as part of the Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa (PROSOWO) project. It reflects the the role of social workers in handling the consequences of the genocide and combating the trickiest social problems with a focus on poverty. It constitutes a useful tool for a wide audience interested in understanding human development and in thinking developmentally, particularly educators, students practitioners and policy-makers.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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Mnasi Mabeyo, Z.; Macharia Ndung'u, E.; Riedl, S. (2014): The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and the Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Tanzania. Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers. ISBN: 978-9970-25-366-1

The social work profession has a critical role to play in helping people to come out of poverty and realise their full potential. Social workers have a fundamental role to play in addressing a myriad of contemporary social problems in Tanzania and to proactively contribute towards the attainment of social development, including the realisation of the UN Millennium Development Goals. The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Tanzania is empirical-based and the first comprehensive documentation undertaken about social work in Tanzania. It is a critical step towards making locally generated literature on social work and social development available.

The study was undertaken as part of an ongoing project to promote professional social work in the area of social development and poverty reduction in East Africa (PROSOWO). The publication provides extensive findings and discussions on the status and role of social work in various spheres of development in Tanzania. It is intended for use by social work educators, students, practitioners, employers, service users, and policy-makers in Tanzania and beyond.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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Twikirize, J.M.; Asingwire, N.; Omona, J.; Lubanga, R.; Kafuko, A. (2013): The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and the Realisation of Millennium Development Goals in Uganda. Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers. ISBN: 978-9970-25-244-2

Assisting people to come out of poverty and realize their full potential is one of the critical roles of the social work profession. Social workers also have an important role to play in addressing a myriad of contemporary social problems in Uganda and to proactively contribute towards the attainment of social development including the realisation of the Millennium Development Goals. This publication, based on empirical research, is the first comprehensive documentation undertaken about social work in Uganda. It is a critical step towards making available locally generated literature on social work and social development.

The study was undertaken as part of an ongoing project to promote professional social work towards social development and poverty reduction in East Africa (PROSOWO). The publication provides extensive findings and discussion on the status and role of social work in various spheres of development in Uganda. The publication is meant for use by social work educators, students, practitioners, employers, service users, and policy makers in Uganda and beyond.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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Twikirize, J.M.; Tusasiirwe, S. (2015): Social Work Fieldwork: Guidelines for Students and Supervisors.  Kampala, Uganda: Fountain Publishers. ISBN: 978-9970-25-369-2

From a set of guidelines to information on fieldwork placement programmes, knowledge, skills and attitudes which social work students are expected to acquire, no facet of fieldwork is left untouched in this engaging manual. The publication provides guidelines to help translate theoretical content in the classroom to real-life situations as part of preparations to become a professional social worker. The publication is meant for use by social work students and supervisors.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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Wairire, G.G.; Zani, A.P.; Machera, M.; Mutie, P.M. (2014): The Role of Social Work in Poverty Reduction and Realization of MDGs in Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya: University of Nairobi Press. ISBN: 978-9966-792-52-5

This publication addresses the extent to which social work curricula in Kenya prepares graduates to handle issues of poverty and social development, the specific knowledge and skills that they are equipped with and existing gaps therein. In addition, the challenges that confront the training and practice of social workers and what needs to be done to ensure that there is an enabling environment for social work education and practice in the country have also been addressed.

The publication, which is the outcome of a study on the promotion of professional social work towards social development and poverty reduction in East Africa, analyses the role that professional social work plays in the efforts to reduce poverty, enhance social development and realize the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Kenya. Consequently, emphasis has been laid on the status of professional social work education and practice in preparing social workers to address issues of poverty and MDGs in the country. Cross cutting gender issues that impact on social work education and practice, which in turn affect the efforts to address poverty in Kenya have also been analyzed.

Given that the time span for MDGs was to end in 2015, the authors envisaged that the lessons learnt through this study, and the gains made with regard to MDGs should not end in the set time span but rather, that social work educators and practicioners, together with other stakeholders in policy formulation and implementation, still have more to do in making sure that these gains are consolidated into social work training and practice, with additional efforts being made towards sustainable poverty reduction efforts in Kenya.

This book evolved out of the APPEAR Project Promotion of Professional Social Work towards Social Development and Poverty Reduction in East Africa | PROSOWO

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