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Sparkling Science 2.0

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With 11.5 million euros, 34 citizen science projects are being funded as part of the first call for proposals for "Sparkling Science 2.0". In these projects, scientists work on new research results together with school classes and, if possible, with other citizens. The second call for proposals ran June 1 to Sept. 25, 2023.


The active participation of civil society in research projects strengthens trust in and interest in science. "Sparkling Science 2.0" thus contributes to the implementation of the BMBWF's departmental strategy "TruSD: 10-point program to strengthen trust in science and democracy in Austria".

The pioneer programme "Sparkling Science"

In the "Sparkling Science" research funding programme, more than 4,200 researchers and students worked together with over 101,000 pupils over a period of twelve years (2007-2019). Together, they measured trees in the rainforest in Costa Rica, experimented with mathematical algorithms or researched the conditions for successful care work in the event of illness or need for care.

In total, the programme coordinated by the OeAD and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research supported 299 projects with around 35 million euros. An investment that has paid off on many levels, as five programme evaluations have confirmed: the interest of children and young people in research has been awakened, scientists have gained innovative insights through the collaboration, and the resulting cooperations have been or will be continued after the end of the project. "Sparkling Science" thus made a significant contribution to establishing and intensifying the dialog between science, society and schools.

Since 2021: Sparkling Science 2.0

The starting point for "Sparkling Science 2.0" was the positive experience of the previous programme. What is new is that, in addition to pupils, other citizens can be also involved in the research projects. This enables participation in scientific processes for all and generates added value for research, education and society. Furthermore, with the help of two additional grants, the "Development of Citizen Science Know-how through International Networking" and "Science in Schools" can be strengthened.

The key data at a glance:

  • Eligible applicants: Austrian (private) universities, non-university research institutions, universities of applied sciences, universities of education and non-profit associations or societies, societies-mbH or NGOs and pursue a scientific purpose (note: they must cooperate with universities, universities of applied sciences or non-university research institutions).
  • Max. funding budget: 350.000 Euro per project
  • Additional funding: "Development of Citizen-Science-Knowhow through international networking" and "Science in Schools": Per additional funding the max. funding amount can be exceeded by up to 10%.


For an overview and more information on funded projects and the current call, visit the Sparkling Science website


For questions about projects

Project management
Alina Schwarz, BSc (Hons)

+43 1 53408-436

For questions about the programme

Mag. Petra Siegele

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