We endeavor to provide optimal support to you as our academic guest prior to, during, and after your scholarship stay.
We provide information and advice:
in your country of residence, so before beginning your journey to Austria. Please plan your departure accordingly and pay attention to the opening hours of your designated Regional Office and the OeAD Student Housing office in your area.
You can upload your documents – such as your passport/ID, insurance and residence permit – in the corresponding areas of Stiponline.
During your stay in Austria, we are your first point of contact for any matters concerning your scholarship, including
We do not represent any authorities or Higher Education Institution!
If you have
please be in direct contact with either your academic supervisor, your host institution, or the authorities in question.
If you have questions on the following, please be in direct contact with the responsible parties listed (siehe links):
We have collated essential information for you on our website under the following link: https://oead.at/en/to-austria/scholars. The following information may help you to orientate yourself in the city of Graz.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Regional Office Vienna.