Quality management

Since 2006 the OeAD has been running a quality and process management system, which aims to guarantee continuous improvement, development and optimisation of its services and internal processes. In the same year the OeAD was certified for the first time according to the international quality standard ISO 9001. Since then the effectiveness of the quality management system has been confirmed every year by external audits.
The system of internal quality assurance and improvement is based on the business processes that are documented in a transparent and uniform manner. Thanks to the regular evaluation of process performances and workflows by those responsible for the processes, on the one hand through the annual internal audit undertaken by the designated QM officer and on the other hand procedural errors and implementation risks, structural failures and deviations from the goals can be identified early and the corresponding corrective or preventative measures can be brought about. The expansion of the internal control system for compliance management is especially helpful in ensuring the business’ legal compliance and reducing the corresponding risks.
To complement the system, critical feedback, complaints and suggestions from both the service recipient as well as from the contracting entity are promptly captured and analysed in order to be able to take pick up on the trends and concerns voiced by our customers.