Lectures on Citizen Science

Are you thinking about starting a citizen science project? Would you like to establish citizen science better at your institution? As a service and information center with versatile experience and expertise in the field of citizen science, the OeAD Center for Citizen Science supports you in building up know-how by offering lectures. The topics range from planning to implementation of citizen science projects, from public relations to cooperation with schools.
New to citizen science ? Worried about pitfalls? The lectures will not only provide theoretical input, but also numerous practical tips and recommendations that will make it easier to start planning and implementing citizen science projects, especially with schools. Interested institutions can choose from a series of free lecture modules to increase their know-how in the field of citizen science and learn about the motives, opportunities and challenges of this research approach. Lectures tailored to the respective needs can be compiled from the following topics:
- Topic 1: Introduction to citizen science and the added value for science and society
- Topic 2: Planning citizen science projects - for beginners
- Topic 3: Communication and public relations for citizen science projects
- Topic 4: Cooperation between science and schools
The lectures can be held in German and English. The coordination of the lectures takes place - if possible - via the young or citizen science contact persons of the research institutions. For more details, please contact us at citizenscience@oead.at.