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Centres for Austrian Studies

Basic principles and development of the Centres for Austrian Studies

The Austrian Ministry of Science founded the first Center for Austrian Studies at the University of Minnesota in the 1970s to support research and knowledge about Austria and Central Europe, others followed. Now there are nine (9) Centres for Austrian Studies. Even though they have different structures, focuses and different names their common goal is to pursue the academic study of Austria and Central Europe.

These centres are of great importance not only for the students and researchers at the respective centres but also for the host universities and the local and international scientific community. In cooperation with Austrian universities and other scientific or cultural institutions they promote scientific cooperation of the respective country with Austria.


  • Supporting and promoting the academic study of Austria and Central Europe with a special focus on history and culture.
  • Initiation or continuation of academic cooperation between the respective location and Austria
  • Presentation of Austrian culture, economy and politics in the host country and contribution to the establishment of a sustainable network of persons with a scientific connection to Austria.

The OeAD is responsible for managing the Centres for Austrian Studies’ funding activities (fellowships, visiting professorships, dispatchment of experts, support of the Centres for Austrian Studies’ activities).

Globus auf einem Stapel Bücher
© Fotolia/mnimage [Translate to English:] Bild

Locations of the Centres for Austrian Studies

Center for Austrian Studies Minnesota/University of Minnesota
Founded in the 1970s, the Center for Austrian Studies describes itself as
The Western Hemisphere's oldest and best-known research center investigating the past, present, and future of Central Europe with a specific focus on Austria and the successor states of the Habsburg Empire.


Center Austria New Orleans/University of New Orleans
Founded in 1997, the Center in New Orleans promotes studies on Austria and Europe in America’s Gulf region through fellowships, lectures and symposia. The Center is supported by the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation and thus also contributes to keeping the memory of the Marshall Plan alive.

Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies/University of Alberta/Edmonton
The Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies is the only university institution in Canada dedicated exclusively to the interdisciplinary analysis of Central Europe. Founded in 1998, the Institute acts as an academic and cultural centre that organises lectures, academic conferences, art festivals, symposia, concerts and exhibitions on a regular basis.

Foundation for Austrian Studies Leiden/Leiden University
Since 1988 the ‘Stichting Oostenrijkse Studiën’ has been disseminating knowledge about Austria and Central Europe in the Netherlands and stimulating academic exchange. In close cooperation with Leiden University the foundation established a chair specialised in Austrian and Central European Studies. The history institute, the ‘Central and East European Studies Centre (CEES)’, founded in 2016, is a joint initiative with the Leiden Institute of Political Science and the Institute of Public Administration.

Centre for Austrian Studies Olomouc/University of Olomouc
The Centre for Austrian Studies Olomouc was founded in 2013. The scientific focus is on the Research Centre for German-Moravian Literature – established at Olomouc Palacky University since 1997 – ’s research which deals with German-Moravian literature as a genuine component of the Austrian literary and cultural tradition.

Central Europe Centre Budapest/Andrassy University Budapest
The Central Europe Centre at Andrássy University Budapest (AUB) was founded in 2010 and focuses its research and teaching on the history and culture of the Habsburg monarchy and its successor countries. It sees itself as an interdisciplinary, German-language platform for scholars to meet and discuss.

Center for Austrian Studies/Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Center for Austrian Studies, founded in 2001 through a joint initiative of the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Austria, promotes Austrian studies and knowledge about Austrian culture in Israel in the humanities, social sciences and law, supports relations between Israeli and Austrian academics and students, focuses on the history of the city of Vienna and its significance within European history, the heritage of the Jewish population in the Habsburg Monarchy and its contribution to European culture.

Institute of European Studies – Programme for the Study of Austria Berkeley/Berkeley University
The Austrian Studies programme at the University of California, Berkeley was established in 2017 as part of the Institute of European Studies (IES), the leading centre for the study of European affairs and the EU. Historical research and teaching emphasise the role of the multinational Habsburg monarchy in Europe, especially the legacy of transnational administration and its exemplary impact for today.

Austrian and Central European Center Vienna/University of Vienna, Institute of East European History
The Viennese Austrian and Central European Center has been located at the University of Vienna’s Department for Eastern European History since 2007. The Viennese Centre’s most important tasks include supporting excellent doctoral students, the publication of the annual conference proceedings (resulting from the Centres’ annual conventions), bringing the altogether nine Centres for Austrian Studies operating on three continents in touch with each other, and carrying out joint projects and international symposia.

Flugzeug aus Karton hängt in einem Baum
© OeAD/Gianmaria Gava

Fellowships and other activities

Marietta Blau-Grants of the Austrian Centres (formally known as Doctoral Research Fellowships)

To support the Centres for Austrian Studies’ research priorities fellowships are available for four centres to enable young Austrian scientists to spend up to 12 months there doing research for their dissertations.



Marietta Blau-Grant for Alberta

Marietta Blau-Grant for Jerusalem

Marietta Blau-Grant for Minnesota

Marietta Blau-Grant for New Orleans

Visiting assistant professorship Jerusalem and Edmonton

To support the Centre for Austrian Studies’ research activities one assistant professorship each is funded in Jerusalem and Edmonton; outstanding postdocs from Austrian universities can apply for it.

Assistant Professorship at the Center for Austrian Studies at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Visiting professorship Edmonton

Visiting professorship Leiden

Aktuelle Ausschreibungen an den Österreich-Zentren

The UC Berkeley Austrian Studies Programme 
welcomes applications for the 2026 
Botstiber Visiting Professorship 
for 5 weeks, starting January 13, 2026, ending February 17, 2026

Further information: https://ies.berkeley.edu/austrian/botstiber-visiting-professorship

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