In Austria, there are numerous actors, especially in the science and education landscape, who are involved in citizen science and are open to collaboration between science, schools and society. Looking for contacts? Citizen Science contact persons can be found at many research and educational institutions. The working group "Citizen Science at/with schools" is also a good starting point.

The Citizen Science contact persons act as internal and external interfaces at Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Universities of Education and Non-University Research Institutions.
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Citizen Science School Contacts
Looking for school contacts? Research partner schools have already gained experience in collaborating with science. The numerous contacts at schools can also be contacted.
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Working groups
The team of the OeAD Center for Citizen Science participates in national and international working groups and thus contributes to the further development and bundling of Citizen Science expertise.
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Alliance for Responsible Science
The Alliance for Responsible Science pursues diverse goals to align science more closely with society's needs, values, and expectations.
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