OeAD Regional Offices

We support scholarship holders of the OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation in all important matters relevant for a successful scholarship stay in Austria, regardless of whether they are from Europe or non-EU/EEA countries or which programme they are supported by.
We also consult and support project leaders with administrative aspects and payment of project funds for university projects.
Our Services
We endeavor to provide optimal support to you as our academic guest prior to, during, and after your scholarship stay.
We provide information and advice:
- During your first visit to the OeAD Regional Office where you will receive a welcome folder with invaluable information to help you navigate your place of study/research from the start and to assist you with bureaucratic tasks
- On how you may receive your scholarship payments and which conditions and responsibilities are connected with your scholarship
- To help you get to know your place of study/research and other scholarship holders in your area, also to invite you to participate in our regularly organised events and excursions.
We can also support you
- with questions you may have on your scholarship;
- in dealing with local authorities, processes such as your registration in Austria (Meldezettel), and your Higher Education and Research Institution(s);
- with immigration matters in cooperation with the OeAD’s legal department;
- with insurance related matters such as general enquiries on your health and accident insurance;
- with questions concerning accommodation in cooperation with the OeAD Student Housing.
You as scholarship holder will need to ensure you prepare adequately for
- your application for a Visa or Residence Permit,
- finding an accommodation and
- sign up for a health and accident insurance
in your country of residence, so before beginning your journey to Austria. Please plan your departure accordingly and pay attention to the opening hours of your designated Regional Office and the OeAD Student Housing office in your area.
What we cannot support you with
Scholarship holders:
We do not represent any authorities or Higher Education Institution!
If you have
- academic questions concerning your study/research stay or
- questions concerning the residence permit or insurance of family members,
please be in direct contact with either your academic supervisor, your host institution, or the authorities in question.
Non-scholarship holders:
If you have questions on the following, please be in direct contact with the responsible parties listed (siehe links):
- Registration, residency:
https://www.bmi.gv.at/413/Buergerinnen/start.aspx - Questions on public transportation:
https://www.oebb.at/en/ - Residence permit:
https://www.bmeia.gv.at/en/travel-stay/entrance-and-residence-in-austria/settlement-and-residence/ - Official authentications of documents:
https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/Themen/schule/schulrecht/anauschubi/bvs.html - Insurance:
https://www.gesundheitskasse.at/cdscontent/?contentid=10007.866742&portal=oegkportal - Accommodation:
Further helpful information on your scholarship stay can be found on the website of the individual Regional Offices.
Our locations
There are five OeAD Regional Offices:
- Graz (responsible for Styria, Carinthia)
- Innsbruck (responsible for Tyrol, Vorarlberg)
- Linz (responsible for Upper Austria)
- Salzburg (responsible for Salzburg Land)
- Vienna (responsible for Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland)
Here you can find a list of contacts.