Various grants and awards are available in the area of "Citizen Science". Among other things, up to 350,000 euros per research project can be applied for in cooperation with schools within the framework of "Sparkling Science 2.0". With the research competition "Citizen Science Award", the OeAD supports researchers in promoting their projects, especially in schools, and thus in generating or evaluating data.

An overview of calls for project funding as well as calls for contributions to conferences, journals and more can be found here.
Further information

Sparkling Science 2.0
The research funding program "Sparkling Science 2.0" promotes citizen science projects with schools and other partners from business and society. The news series "Inside Sparkling Science 2.0" provides deeper insights into the individual projects and their activities.
Further information

Citizen Science Award
The research competition invites school classes, families and individuals to participate in research projects each year starting April 1. Citizen science projects can apply in advance each fall for the following year to be part of the competition.
Further information