Teaching abroad
You want to teach and carry out research at a higher education institution abroad? You just completed your degree programme, are a junior researcher or university lecturer or carry out research at an Austrian higher education institution?
Here you will find an overview of what we offer:
- Lectureship programme: Approximately 110 lecturers work in 120 positions at higher education institutions worldwide for two to five years mainly in the disciplines of German Studies or German as a foreign language.
- German as a foreign language: Approximately 60 young university graduates gain initial professional experience in teaching German as a foreign language abroad.
- weltweit unterrichten: Within the framework of the "weltweit unterrichten" ("teaching worldwide") programme the OeAD supports the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) with the language assistance programme, short stays for teachers, Austrian teachers abroad and educational coordinators abroad and the "Kultur und Sprache" ("Culture and Language") programme.
- Teaching within Erasmus+: Lecturers at higher education institutions can get financial support for teaching assignments at partner institutions abroad.