Current research projects
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu abgeschlossenen Projekten, die im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms Sparkling Science zwischen 2007 und 2019 eine Förderung erhalten haben.
254 projects found
6. invitation to tender
The psychiatric hospital Mauer-Öhling (Lower Austria) in the Nazi era and in collective memory
Gripping reactions in the bioreactor: Impact of inflammation-related mediators on tendon health.
Research-guided and practice-oriented design of Videoclips, used for the enhancement of pre-service-teacher-competencies in mathematics education
"Homegrown - There's nothing like a homegarden!" Agro-bio-diversity in farmers-homegardens in Eastern Tyrol (Austria)
Modulation of circannual behavioural and foraging patterns by social factors: the Greylag goose (Anser anser) as a model
Adolescents investigate the restorative effects of school areas (indoor/outdoor) and urban green spaces
Mediating migrant societies -Tracing the discursive constructions of transnational identities between the poles of selfing and othering among young adults in Vienna.
Learning from a model, learning as a model. Modeling as a concept for writing instruction in propaedeutic content classrooms (AaMoL)