CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies)

The BMBWF (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research) supports students and lecturers in Central and Eastern Europe within the framework of the mobility programme CEEPUS. The aim of the scholarship programme is to strengthen academic cooperation, ideally through joint programmes. The funding programme enables academic development of students and teachers in the participating countries:
Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, and Slovenia. The universities of Prishtina, Prizren and Peja are also eligible to take part.
CEEPUS gives them the opportunity to live and study or teach in a particular place for a certain period of time to develop their potential free from financial concerns. Mobility takes place within the framework of networks at faculty/department level. These networks will apply for funding once a year.
The closing date for application for institutions is 30 November at: www.ceepus.info.
Conditions for application
- Students must have completed at least 2 semesters in the field of study in which they are applying
- Applicants must be nationals of a CEEPUS country or upload an equal status document (university admission/teaching contract)
- Duration of stay: maximum of 10 months per bachelor's/master's cycle
- Before submitting an application you have to contact the relevant CEEPUS coordinator at your home institution
- Lecturers must provide evidence of teaching at least 6 hours per 5 working days at the host institution
Closing dates for application
- 15 June for applicants for the winter semester and for the whole academic year
- 31 October for applicants for the summer semester
- 30 November for free movers
- 30 November for networks
Within a network Austrian and international students will be exempt from any tuition fees and they will receive a full scholarship from the host country that is based on the cost of living in the relevant country.
Moreover, Austrian outgoing CEEPUS scholarship holders can apply for a mobility grant. After submitting the final report and the required proof of success a travel costs allowance will also be granted.
- Student: for undergraduates: minimum stay of 3 months up to a maximum of 10 months
- Student – Short-Term: 1-2 months for writing a bachelor's, master's or PhD thesis
- Summer Schools: 6-20 days, summer schools organised by the host institution
- Student Mobility – Short-Term Excursion: 3-10 days, excursion organised by the home or host institution
- Teacher Mobility: Teachers for at least 5 days and 6 hours of teaching or supervision
Where to apply
- For scholarships within the framework of networks: enquire with the network coordinator
- For networks: National CEEPUS office (online application via CEEPUS website)
Information on how to apply can be found in the CEEPUS guidelines (updated version will be uploaded soon).
CEEPUS Mobility from Ukraine to Austria
The Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria for Education, Science and Research grants 50 scholarship months to Ukrainian citizens with an active affiliation to a higher education institution in Ukraine. An exchange to Austria for up to 4 months can be supported within the CEEPUS scholarship programme for the summer semester 2024.
Further information:
- CEEPUS Website
- Grants.at
- from the network coordinators or from the network partners