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Closing dates for application for scholarship programmes (individual mobility)

  • To offer Austrian students the possibility to get a postgraduate European education and to increase the number of Austrians working in European institutions the Federal Chancellery funds three scholarships per year for the renowned College of Europe (Collège d'Europe) in Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Poland).
    Gruppenfoto College of Europe
    © College of Europe
    Last call
  • The scholarship is aimed at highly qualified graduates who wish to pursue a doctoral programme at the European University Institute in Florence at one of the following four departments: History and Cultural History, Economics (Political Economics), Law (LL.M. programmes are not funded), Political and Social Sciences.
    Kathedrale in Florenz
    © pixabay_darrenquigley
  • The Marietta Blau Scholarships of the Centres for Austrian Studies (formerly Doctoral Research Fellowships) are aimed at highly qualified doctoral students who wish to complete a research stay at an institute of the Centres for Austrian Studies. The scholarship is intended to optimise their doctoral thesis; therefore doctoral candidates have to complete their scholarship stay before submitting their doctoral thesis.
    Junge Frau mit Büchern in der Hand in einer Bibliothek
    © iStock_arekmalang
  • The Franz Werfel Scholarship is aimed at exceptionally well-qualified individuals, preferably with teaching experience and employment at a university, who specialise in Austrian literature. The scholarship lasts for four to nine months, with the option of an extension to up to 18 months. If you have completed twelve scholarship months, you can be accepted into the follow-up support programme.
    Franz Werfel
    © ÖNB Franz Werfel
  • The Ernst Mach Grant – ASEA-UNINET within the framework of the ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) enables study and research stays in Austria. The target group is researchers (postgraduates, postdocs and lecturers at member institutions of the ASEA-UNINET) as well as undergraduates and graduates (music performance).
  • 01. March 2025 · 11:59 pm

    Richard Plaschka Fellowship

    The Richard Plaschka Fellowship is aimed at researchers in the historical sciences who are primarily occupied with Austrian history. Plaschka fellows can work as visiting researchers at institutes and carry out special studies in libraries, archives or at research institutions.
    Portraitfoto Richard Plaschka
    © Die Presse_Harald Hofmeister
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