3-IN-AT 2019-2021: project documentation
Promoting Internationalisation, Inclusion and Innovation at Higher Education Institutions
3-IN-AT was an OeAD project on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), department IV/11 within the framework of key action 3 – Erasmus+ “Support to Policy Reform”. The full title reads: INternationalisation/INclusion/INnovation: Towards high-quality inclusive mobility and innovative teaching & learning in an internationalised Austrian Higher Education Area.
In 2018 the call "EACEA/35/2018 Support to the implementation of EHEA reforms - 2018-2020" was issued exclusively to ministries of education and research of the Erasmus+ countries to strategically support reaching the Bologna goals on the policy level in cross-country cooperation. Special attention was given to the Paris Communiqué (2018). After previous successful projects the Federal Ministry, department IV/11 (responsible for the European Higher Education Area, EU higher education programmes, Bologna Process and Mobility) again commissioned the OeAD with the coordination and implementation of the project; moreover, renowned international partners joined the project consortium. A team of national experts for the European Higher Education Area contributed their highly appreciated expertise and experience.
The project focussed on issues, good practices and outputs on internationalisation of higher education institutions, digital transformation, innovative teaching and learning, including ECTS and workload, inclusion and flexibilisation of curricula. The project’s events reached approximately 1350 participants from Austria and abroad. The Austrian national quality assurance agency AQ Austria accompanied the project with external monitoring.
Thematic Priorities
Quality in Mobility and Internationalisation
- Revision of the Austrian Strategy on Higher Education Mobility 2016 resulting in the National Mobility and Internationalisation Strategy for Higher Education 2020-2030 (HMIS 2030) (Website on the participatory process with more than 150 participants)
- Plattform HMIS2030 to present examples of good practice
- Two peer learning activities (PLA) with swissuniversities, Austrian and Swiss university colleges of teacher education:
- Quality of mobility, 13 - 14 February 2020 in Graz, 26 participants
- Flexibilisation of curricula, 18 -19 November 2021, online, 22 participants
- In-depth analysis of the 2019 student social survey data on barriers to student mobility (in German)
Innovative Teaching and Learning
- Three panel discussions “Dialogue on innovative higher education teaching”, accompanying the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)'s website www.gutelehre.at:
- Studiability / student progress at public universities, 26 September 2019, Vienna, 86 participants
- New learning environments: Digital assessment, 26 November 2020, online, 165 participants
- ECTS: How to reach the ideal of fair workload, 18 May 2021, online, 100 participants
- International peer learning activity (PLA): Perspectives on national strategies to promote learning and teaching, 3 - 4 November 2021, online, 30 participants
- Bologna Day 2020: Think Big: Institutional teaching strategies and their implementation at Austrian higher education institutions, 22 Oktober 2020, hybrid from Wiener Neustadt, 250 participants
- Bologna Day 2021: Future and digital skills – Initiatives, projects and teaching practice at Austrian higher education institutions, 24 March 2021, online, 250 participants
- One peer learning activity (PLA) with swissuniversities, Austrian and Swiss university colleges of teacher education on Digitisation, 23 - 24 September 2021, Lucerne, 22 participants
- Survey on the impact of the Austrian national teaching award “Ars Docendi” as perceived by its laureates and short-listed nominees and dissemination event, 8 March 2022, 76 participants
Social Dimension
- International peer learning activity (PLA): Mainstreaming Social Dimension in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Implementation of a National Strategy, 7 October 2020, online, 33 participants
- Publication accompanying the PLA on Social Dimension presenting country and HEI profiles
- Translation of 14 posters displaying the results of the Austrian Student Social Survey 2019 into English: Student Social Survey 2019 at a Glance
Bologna Process: Information, Networking, Peer Learning
- Bologna Day 2019: 20 years of EHEA: Reflexion – present – future, 4 June 2019, Vienna, 180 participants
- Up to eight on-site visits at Austrian higher education institutions by national EHEA experts
- Participation in events in the EHEA and subsequent reporting to national stakeholders
- National EHEA implementation report 2020 of the BMBWF
The national EHEA Experts’ Team
Nine national experts for issues of the European Higher Education Area supported 3-IN-AT with their expertise and were availabe to all Austrian higher education institutions for strategic and practice-oriented advice on the implementation of the Bologna goals.
Activities and tasks of the national EHEA experts
- Upon application: site visits to Austrian higher education institutions
- Contribution to developing and implementing project events and activities – based on individual thematic expertise
- Participation in seminars, workshops and peer learning activities in the European Higher Education Area
Representatives of…
...public universities:
- Christina Raab, Bologna Coordinator, University of Innsbruck
- Günter Wageneder, Head of quality management, University of Salzburg
...universities of applied sciences:
- Karin Dobernig, Head of the Institute for Sustainability, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
- Katalin Szondy, Head of the Service Unit Higher Education Development, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten
...university colleges of teacher education:
- Berta Leeb, Vice rector for Education and Internationalisation, Private University of Education, Diocese of Linz
- Susanne Linhofer, Head of the Institute for Diversity Studies and International Relations, University College of Teacher Education Styria
...private universities:
- Ulrike Plettenbacher, Director of Austrian Affairs, Central European University Vienna (CEU)
...Austrian Students' Union (ÖH):
- Maximilian Wagner
Nominated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research:
- Gabriele Abermann, Professor emer. of the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg
The European Commission's support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the content produced, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.