Useful information
Public libraries
Online platform
Private secondhand goods (only in German)
Product and price search for a wide range of products (only in German)
Bargain and special offers (only in German)
Tip: There are often reductions as well as special offers for students even if they are not announced. Just ask and always bring your student identity card.
Personal means of transport
Vienna City Bike
With the City Bike you can cycle virtually for free (the first hour is free) after paying a one-off registration fee of € 1.-. You need an Austrian bank card or a credit card to register. A map of cycle paths in Vienna you can find here.
Car Sharing
In Vienna there are several uncomplicated ways to use a car, for example car2go and Drive Now.
Internet & WiFi
Most coffee houses and restaurants are equipped with WIFI access, just ask there. Moreover, WIFI is installed in many public areas in Vienna.
Telephone Calls
Austrian mobile phone operators offer pay-as-you-go/prepaid SIM cards, some of them include data volume, check out the actual price (only in German). Making phone calls abroad is often expensive. eety and vectone offer special call rates with which you can cheaply stay in touch with friends and family abroad.