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List of projects by Call

Academic Partnership Projects

8. Call


Project242: Strengthening Research and Educational Competences of HEIs for Gender sensitive Urban (InfoRmal Settlement) Transformation

Project coordinator:  Tania Berger
Coordinating institution: Danube University Krems, Austria
Partner institutions: 
Addis Ababa University, Bahir Dar University, University of Mekelle, Lurio University
Partner countries: Ethiopia, Mozambique

Project249: Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable Development
Project coordinator: Christine Betty Nagawa
Coordinating institution: Makerere University Uganda
Partner institutions: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology
Partner countries: Uganda, Kenya

Project251: Environmental assessment of the Vjosa riverscape as the basis for an integrated water management and sustainable catchment development
Project coordinator: Sajmir Beqiraj
Coordinating institution: University of Tirana 
Partner institutions: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, University of Vienna, University of Innsbruck, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Agricultural University of Tirana
Partner country: Albania

Project252: Digitally Connecting Real and Virtual Environments
Project coordinator: Ainura Nazarkulova
Coordinating institution: University of Salzburg
Partner institutions: National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Yerevan State University, Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture
Partner countries: Armenia, Kyrgyzstan

Project256: Clean and Prosperous Uganda – Fecal Sludge and Solid Waste Management for Improved Livelihoods
Project coordinator: Therese Schwarzboeck
Coordinating institution: Vienna University of Technology
Partner institution: Makerere University, Uganda Red Cross Society, Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Partner country: Uganda

9. Call

Project277: Ecosystem services assessment through a participatory approach for sustainable water resources management in Armenia
Project coordinator: Verena Radinger-Peer
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Partner institution: Yerevan State University, Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of National Academy of Sciences
Partner country: Armenia


Project278: Strengthening Genetic Biocontrol Capacities under Climate Change in Armenia
Project coordinator: Marine Arakelyan
Coordinating institution: Yerevan State University
Partner institution: University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Medical University of Vienna, Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of National Academy of Science, Institute of Botany ft. A.L. Takhtajyan of National Academy of Science
Partner country: Armenia


Project287: Strengthening Capacity of Higher Engineering Education for Sustainable Buildings
Project coordinator: Tshewang Lhendup
Coordinating institution: Royal University of Bhutan
Partner institution: Universität Innsbruck
Partner country: Bhutan

Project288: Promotion of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Towards Electricity Access in Uganda
Project coordinator: Rafat Al Afif
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Partner institution: Makerere University
Partner country: Uganda


Project291: Strengthening transformative capacity of Higher Education Institutions for equitable and resilient governance of natural resources in refugee-host community settings in West Nile, Uganda
Project coordinator: Clement Okia
Coordinating institution: Muni University Uganda
Partner institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, PALM Corps
Partner country: Uganda


Project303: Capacity Building for Sustainable Rural Tourism in Mozambique
Project coordinator: Claudia Dolezal
Coordinating institution: IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
Partner institution: Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo de Inhambane
Partner country: Mozambique


10. Call


Project320: Assessment of Pollutant Emissions to support River Basin Management in Albania according to the EU Water Framework Directive 
Project coordinator: Thomas Ertl
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Partner institutions: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Agricultural University of Tirana
Partner country: Albania


Project322: Building mountain destination crises resilience in the Alps and Caucasus
Project coordinator: Sarah Schönherr
Coordinating institution: University of Innsbruck
Partner institutions: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Partner country: Georgia


Project337: Countering violent crime against women and girls in Georgia 
Project coordinator: Tamara Laliashvili
Coordinating institution: New Vision University
Partner institutions: University of Graz, Medical University of Graz
Partner country: Georgia


Project338: Inter- and transdisciplinary approach to revitalizing former small industrial cities in Armenia to enhance their transformative potential towards sustainability
Project coordinator: Harutyun Vermishyan
Coordinating institution: Yerevan State University
Partner institutions: University of Vienna, Journalists for the Urban Development (NGO)
Partner country: Armenia


Project341: Biosorption for Sustainable Small-Scale Gold Mining in Uganda
Project coordinator: Mary Therese Kaggwa
Coordinating institution: Kyambogo University
Partner institutions: University for Continuing Education Krems, Makerere University, Gulu University, University of Pretoria
Partner countries: Uganda, South Africa

Project351: Establishing Transformative Learning, Research and Community outreach and Capacities in Agroecology at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia 
Project coordinator: Zerihun Yohannes Amare
Coordinating institution: Bahir Dar University (BDU)
Partner institutions: University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP), Austria
Partner country: Ethiopia

Advanced Academic Partnership Projects



Project262_AAP: Strengthening of Higher Education, Research and Science Communication in Agroecology in the Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda-Phase II 
Project coordinator: Violet Kisakye
Coordinating institution: Mountains of the Moon University Uganda
Partner institutions: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Uganda Martyrs University, Sasakawa Africa Association
Partner country: Uganda

Project267_AAP: Strengthening Organic Agriculture in Armenia: Participatory Higher Education and Knowledge Exchange for Development
Project coordinator: Lusine Nalbandyan
Coordinating institution: Armenian National Agrarian University
Partner institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Partner country: Armenia

Project269_AAP: Advancing local capacities for livestock breeding practice and research in Burkina Faso
Project coordinator: Johann Sölkner
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Partner institutions: University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Norbert Zongo University, Nazi Boni University, Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), African institute for economics and social development, Centre national de Multiplication des Animaux Performants 
Partner country: Burkina Faso


9. Call


Project310_AAP: Implementation of Academic Geomatics Education in Ethiopia for Supporting Sustainable Development
Project coordinator: Thomas Bauer
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Partner institution: Debre Markos University, Vienna University of Technology, Bahir Dar University
Partner country: Ethiopia


Project311_AAP: Capacity Building for Sustainable Energy Use Towards Green Job Creation in the Gaza Strip – Palestine
Project coordinator: Christoph Pfeifer
Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Partner institution: Islamic University of Gaza
Partner country: Palestine

Preparatory Funding

8. Call


  • Prep225: Capacity Building for Sustainable Rural Tourism in Mozambique; Coordinating institution: IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
  • Prep224: Cross Continental University Partnership on Inclusive Regional Development in Conflict-Peace Context; Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Prep215: Development of Regional Climate Modelling and Assessment Capability in Georgia; Coordinating institution: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
  • Prep240: Development of Sustainable Ultra high Performance Concrete (UHPC), Contains recycled solid and agriculture wastes as supplementary cementitious materials; Coordinating institution: Islamic University of Gaza
  • Prep219: Ecosystem Services and Community based Forestry in Hindu Kush Region, Coordinating institution: Royal University Bhutan 
  • Prep218: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Teacher Education, Coordinating institution: Makerere University
  • Prep235: Empowering social dimension of education through teacher education development research on modern teaching approaches, Coordinating institution: University of Graz
  • Prep241: Establishing Partnerships for Developing a Curriculum for a Massive Open Online Master Course in Conservation Agriculture; Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Prep236: Finding the silver piglet: best types of pigs for smallholder, medium size and commercial pig farms in Uganda; Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Prep222: Harnessing North-South Training and Research approaches to manage Emerging Pollutants; Coordinating institution: Kyambogo University, Uganda
  • Prep213: Molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. from diarrheic children, calves, and water sources in Bahir Dar city and peri-urban areas, northwest Ethiopia: A one health approach; Coordinating institution: Bahir Dar University
  • Prep231: Preparing cross-country research partnership: Strengthening the resilience of mountain destinations in the Alps and Caucasus; Coordinating institution: University of Innsbruck
  • Prep223: prep-Geospatial Competences across Disciplines; Coordinating institution: Royal Thimphu College Bhutan
  • Prep220: Rivers in Bhutan: Enhancing capacities for monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services; Coordinating institution: Royal University Bhutan 
  • Prep226: Setup a Learning-along-lifespan Community Center in Pristina: Researched based early childhood education with living labs across vertical and horizontal borders; Coordinating institution: Danube University Krems
  • Prep214: Strengthening Genetic Biocontrol Capacities under Climate Change in Armenia; Coordinating institution: Yerevan State University
  • Prep221: Strengthening the contribution of higher education and research to the energy transition in Burkina Faso; Coordinating institution: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
  • Prep234: The protracted refugee crisis and resource management: a multidisciplinary approach for Agriculture, Water and Energy challenges in refugee hosting communities in Uganda; Coordinating institution: Muni University
  • Prep242: Building capacity for assessment and management of pluvial floods and soil erosion processes in the Republic of Moldova; Coordinating institution: University of Innsbruck

9. Call


  • Prep249: Biodiversity of Invasive Plants and Fungi in Armenia; Coordinating institution: Yerevan State University 
  • Prep243: Exploiting root microbiome-root interactions towards a sustainable, stress-tolerant barley production in the Ethiopian highlands; Coordinating institution: Bahir Dar University
  • Prep261: Strengthening Higher Education and Research in Conflict Studies in Gaza/Palestine; Coordinating institution: Al-Azhar University – Gaza 
  • Prep260: Socio- Ecological Water Management in the Lake Victoria Basin; Coordinating institution: Kyambogo University 
  • Prep245: Natural hazard mitigation and engineering geology for society – research and education; Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Prep250: Building strength and commitment to counter violent crime: From academic interventions to societal transformation; Coordinating institution: New Vision University 
  • Prep256: Potential of riparian zone as filters for pesticides and inorganic fertilizers in Ramsar sites of Bhutan; Coordinating institution: Royal University of Bhutan -College of Natural Resources
  • Prep253: Female entrepreneurship – Empowering female students to pursue entrepreneurial careers; Coordinating institution: University of Graz
  • Prep252: Development of the Pv Water Pumping Stations Optimum Network for Irrigation of Lands;  Coordinating institution: National Polytechnic University of Armenia
  • Prep254: Strengthening Graduate Training, Research and Community Capacities in Green Growth and Development among Global South Universities; Coordinating institution: Makerere University 
  • Prep262: Development of Sustainable Ultra high Performance Concrete (UHPC), Contains recycled solid and agriculture wastes as supplementary cementitious materials; Coordinating institution: Islamic University of Gaza

10. Call


  • Prep270: Shared Learning between Austria and Bhutan for enhancing Sustainability in the Built Environment; Coordinating institution: Graz University of Technology
  • Prep269: Taking a multi-level perspective on community-based livestock breeding in Ethiopia: From niche to mainstream; Coordinating institution: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
  • Prep274: Transit/ion: European Networks and Dynamics in Exile; Coordinating institution: University of Graz
  • Prep266: Indigenous Processing and Microbial Dynamics of Metata Ayib: a Traditional Fermented Dairy Product in Ethiopia; Coordinating institution: Bahir Dar Institute of Technology (BIT)
  • Prep263: Collaborative Research on Environmental Sustainability of Gorgora; Coordinating institution: University of Gondar
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