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ASEA-UNINET research projects

The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) was founded in 1994 and today consists of more than 90 universities in about 15 countries. The higher education institutions network aims to promote research and teaching activities between the member universities in Europe and South-East Asia.

ASEA-UNINET Austria receives funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF). Approximately 75 bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects between Austrian and Southeast Asian member universities are funded each year.

Target group: The main focus is on research projects in which scientists and doctoral students take part.

Requirements and prerequisites: The projects must be carried out on the basis of bilateral or multilateral partnerships (at least one Austrian and one ASEAN ASEA-UNINET member university). The project duration is one year or two years.

Subject areas: Technology, natural sciences, medicine, agricultural sciences, environmental sciences, economic sciences (including tourism research), humanities and social sciences, art and music.

Funding: Supplementary funding is available for travel costs, subsistence costs as well as material costs. A financial contribution of the Asian partner university/universities in the respective project is desired.

Submission: ASEA-UNINET project calls take place once a year (in spring). Project applications must be submitted online and will be evaluated by the Austrian ASEA-UNINET member universities.

Eligible for to apply are academic university members of the Austrian member and candidate universities: university professors (with or without a post-doctoral teaching qualification), members of the rectorate or heads of organisational units with research or teaching responsibilities.

Selection: Projects are selected by the ASEA-UNINET experts and confirmed by the ASEA-UNINET Board of Trustees. The final decision is made by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

Further information: Please contact the ASEA-UNINET coordinator of the relevant member university.


Guidelines for ASEA-UNINET research projects (in German)

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ASEA-UNINET Annual Report 2020 and 2020-2021



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