Guide on "Citizen Science and Schools" for Researchers and Teachers

Collaboration between science and schools offers many advantages, but also poses challenges. In order to successfully meet these challenges, a working group of researchers, teachers and other experts has developed a compact handbook. It contains numerous recommendations for researchers and teachers on how to plan and carry out citizen science projects together.
The brochure "Citizen Science - Research with Schools. Basics, recommendations & practical tips for joint projects" is a result of the working group (WG) "Citizen Science at/with schools". The working group is led by the OeAD Center for Citizen Science and is part of the Citizen Science Network Austria.
The content
The brochure is written in German. It is divided into seven clearly structured chapters:
- Introduction
- Citizen science in Austria
- Added value of citizen science at and with schools
- Project planning and implementation
- Legal and ethical aspects
- Effective use of existing conditions
- Anchoring cooperation in the long term
Handy checklists
A quick overview of the most important points to consider in citizen science projects with schools and on how to embed citizen science in the long term is provided by two handy checklists at the end of the handout.

Creative graphics
All the images in the brochure come from a creative competition in which children and young people were able to submit avatars, icons and chapter illustrations. The best among them were selected by a jury of four for the publication.
Where is the brochure available?
Print version
You are welcome to order the printed brochure from us. Simply write an e-mail to with the number of copies and address.
Web version
The web version can be downloaded from the open science platform "Zenodo":