Admission at a university or university of applied sciences

If you wish to attend courses at a university in Austria for a limited period of time (one or two semesters) you have to get in contact with the university or university of applied sciences directly. Information about the enrolment and the therefore needed documents can be found on the website of the university or university of applied science.

For some scholarship programmes that require a degree to be obtained in Austria (e.g. a doctorate or master's degree) we can offer to assist with the application for admission to an Austrian university or university of applied sciences.

Legalisation and Translation of documents

Applicants with international certificates must have their documents translated into German or English by an officially registered, certified translator. For further information please have a look at the website of your university or university of applied science. Further information can be found here.
Attention: If you have an academic degree from a country other than your home country, you will need the legalisation from the country in which you have earned your degree.

In following countries the verification of documents can be done by confidence lawyer. The investigative result will be submitted to the consulates.

  • Nigeria and states in jurisdiction (Austrian embassy in Abuja)
  • Pakistan, Afghanistan (Austrian embassy in Islamabad)
  • Uzbekistan (Austrian embassy in Moscow)

Tuition fees

If you have to pay tuition fees please ask at your host institution. Most OeAD scholarship holders are exempt from paying tuition fees. Some universities require an application for exemption from tuition fees. All students (including scholarship holders) must pay a membership fee at the beginning of the semester to the Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft (ÖH).

Language skills and German language courses

At Austrian universities most courses are held in German language. Doctoral studies can also be carried out in English language if this has been approved by the Austrian academic supervisor. The same applies to independent academic research. If not enough courses taught in English language are offered by the university, you may have to attend a German language course. Here you can find a list of programmes that are completely taught in English:

In all university locations in Austria there are many institutions and organisations that offer German courses. These courses are – unless expressly stated in the scholarship award or in the conditions of the scholarship programme – not part of the scholarship and you have to pay them by yourself. The Regional Offices can provide a list of German language courses at your university location.