Citizen Science and schools - new materials and offers from Bürger schaffen Wissen

8. February 2024 Citizen SciencePublic Science
Schüler/innen und Lehrperson im Unterricht
Experts provide insights into the opportunities and challenges of citizen science projects with school participation.

Last year, the German working group "Citizen Science and Schools" produced a guide for project coordinators containing specific tips for implementing projects in a school context. The brochure is available for download on Zenodo.

Tim Kiessling and Victoria Miczajka, members of the working group and co-authors of the guide, will now share their experiences on the topic of "Citizen Science with schools - how can it work?" in the "digital lunch break" format on February 23, 12:00-13:00 and discuss it with the participants. Further information on the event and registration are available on the Bürger schaffen Wissen website.

Interviews with the experts Tim Kiessling and Christian Thiel have also already been published in a current blog series. They explain the advantages for pupils, teachers and researchers when children and young people participate in research, but also point out that there is still a need to catch up in terms of training and further education for teachers, among other things.

Further resources are listed on the subpage of the working group, including materials from the Austrian working group "Citizen Science at/with schools". Collected information on research-education cooperations in Austria can be found on the subpage "Citizen Science and Schools" of the OeAD Center for Citizen Science.