EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is the portal for mobility and careers in research. Euraxess supports the mobility and careers of researchers, thereby contributing to Europe's role as an outstanding location for scientific research. Besides a Europe-wide database of job offers, scholarships and grants you will find tools for career development and a wealth of practical information for organising a research stay in the European Research Area.
What we do for researchers and research organisations
The OeAD is a partner in this European network and, together with the Research Promotion Agency - FFG, acts as Austrian bridge head organisation and Euraxess Centre. All regional OeAD offices and OeAD student housing are Euraxess centres as well. The OeAD runs the national Euraxess website www.euraxess.at and the LinkedIn page.
We offer:
- Information and counselling in the following fields:
- Fellowships and research funding
- Visa, entry and residence permits
- Work permits
- Housing
- Collaboration in the EU project ERA Talent Platform for career development of researchers in Europe (successor to EURAXESS Hubs and the TOP projects). This project started in March 2023 and aims to further develop the services provided by the existing EURAXESS network and embed them in a new ERA Talent platform. A total of 34 partner organisations/countries are involved, the project runs until February 2026.
The OeAD is involved in the following work packages:- Networking activities focusing on socio-cultural and academic integration of international researches and orientation for international researchers,
- Communities of Practice: Exchange of information with other EURAXESS centers on social integration and dual career
- Establishement of a new ERA Talent platform
Former project participations
EURAXESS Austria was a partner in the EU projects Euraxess TOP III, Euraxess TOP IV, BRiDGE II and Euraxess Hubs with the following focus:
- Dual Career Service:
The report “An Analysis of Dual Career and Integration Services (DCIS)” was produced within the project Euraxess TOP III with the goal of analysing as well as exchanging knowledge of best practice examples. The report maps the landscape of DCIS in six European countries (Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland) and provides a number of great general and local recommendations for those who are working with DCIS or just starting to implement services.
The OeAD coordinated the expert group for "Dual Careers and Social Integration" in the Euraxess TOP IV project.
The OeAD is a member of the Austrian Network for Dual Careers (ANDC).
- Local networking between international and local researchers and their partners/families:
The networking platform Euraxess Meeting Point Vienna offered different tools to support exchange and collaboration of PhD students, post docs and researchers in the Vienna area in order to facilitate social integration of internationals and their families.
- Refugee initiatives
The project results have been published in a Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers. The guide provides helpful information for refugee researchers on the integration in the European labour market and tools and resources for staff mentoring refugee researchers. At Services for Refugee Researchers in Austria refugee researchers can also access further information specific to the Austrian labour market as well as information on opportunities for refugees in the field of higher education in general.
- National network activities
Organisation of national Euraxess events and activities, study visits, trainings, etc. for Euraxess members
- Gender equality
The OeAD was involved in the Euraxess Hubs project in the establishment of the Talent Management Hub and the task "Gender overview, learning and sharing" and was also essentially involved in the implementation of the website "Gender Equality Plans". Moreover, the OeAD created a EURAXESS Career Story with the Austrian researcher Johanna Pirker.