Motivation and recognition in Citizen Science - which methods work?

4. January 2024 Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science
Veranstaltungsbanner 5. Spotlight
On January 11, 2024, the 5th Spotlight of the "Inside Sparkling Science 2.0" series will take place.

The ongoing motivation of Citizen Scientists is an important factor for the success of a project. How are the achievements of citizen scientists recognized? What incentives work for teachers, students and other project participants to keep the motivation to participate in research high?

These and other questions will be discussed in the 5th Spotlight of the webinar series "Inside Sparkling Science 2.0" on January 11, 2024, 12:00-13:00. At the beginning, the current Sparkling Science projects VisibLL, represented by Barbara Soukup (University of Vienna), and WILDLIFE CRIME, represented by Silke Schweiger, (Natural History Museum Vienna) will present themselves and share their experiences on the topic.

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