International working groups are working at full speed, the first few briefings are bringing the umbrella organisations and interest groups into position... those who are more closely involved with the Bologna Process can see the intensive preparations for the Tirana Communiqué 2024. Which key topics for 2024–2026 can already be seen in the European Higher Education Area, what can we expect? The OeAD has created an online documentation (in German) where you can find the following presentations:
- insights into the European Higher Education Area and the Tirana Communiqué 2024,
- national status of micro-credentials,
- flexibilisation and internationalisation of curricula
- making the Bologna coordinator at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt seen and integrating her
- the award-winning project “Change Our Tomorrow: Practised quality improvement in teaching and studyability at the UAS Technikum Vienna”
Further information about the documentation and the presentations is available on the following page: Network meeting of the Bologna Coordinators 2023 (in German).